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energy flows 基本例句 能量流 Dynamics of Energy Flow in Capra hircus Population.成都麻羊种群能量流动态的初步研究 Thisenergy flowsinto you and fills you up with vitality.那个能量流通于你,给你注入生命力。 As long asenergy flowsin, the network hums, and the loop stands.只要有能量流入,网络就会活跃,一直循环下去。 There are twoenergy flowsin the energetic movement of any field.在任何一个能量场的能量运动中都有着两个能量流。 Improved skill for regulating energy flow toshields.关于改良调节能量流向保护盾的技术。每级技能减少保护盾增压器所占电容2% Such herbs will strive to more greatly balance the energy flow.这类草本将致力于使能量流获得更大平衡。 |