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词汇 energised
释义 energisedBNC⁵⁶⁶³⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt.供给…能量;使精力充沛等于energize原型energise的过去式和过去分词 The contrast with France's demonically hyperactive Nicolas Sarkozy and even Britain's newly energisedand weirdly cheery Gordon Brown has been striking.
与极度活跃的法国总统尼古拉斯•萨科奇,甚至最近精力充沛且欢快得有点古怪的英国首相戈登•布朗相比,反差明显。 ecocn

The large majority of competitive seats are held by Democrats, who are playing defence against an energised opposition.
民主党拥有大部分竞争的席位,并正在对那些激烈的反对声做出辩驳。 ecocn

The White House has certainly been doing everything it can to spin the theme of a re- energised president.
当然,白宫一直不予余力地宣传着这位重振雄风的总统。 ecocn

These have long been Mr Thaksin’s electoral base, which has been re- energised by a woman whom Mr Thaksin calls his “clone”: his good-looking younger sister Yingluck, head of the Pheu Thai party.
长期以来他们是他信先生的选举基础。 现在他们在他信美貌的妹妹为泰党领导人英禄——他信说她是他的分身——的领导下重新振作起来。 ecocn

Analysts say Cope's emergence energised the early stages of the election campaign but the party's popularity seems to have diminished in recent weeks.
分析家认为人民议会在选站初期势头不小,但是最近几周党员人数看起来在减少。 yeeyan

As Makelele began to get the ball more and Mikel started to influence proceedings, and the first flush of Wycombe enthusiasm de- energised, Chelsea got on top.
随着马克莱莱开始更多的控制球,同时米克尔也积极参与进攻,维康比的激情被压制住,切尔西开始掌握了比赛。 b01

But Sanjeev Uprety, a novelist who writes in his native Nepali, says it has been energised by the country's social revolution and turbulent modern politics.
但是尼泊尔语小说家桑吉夫•尤普莱提认为尼泊尔的社会革命和政坛动荡为文学界注入活力。 ecocn

But it was the backing of the Tea Party Express that truly energised her campaign.
但真正使竞选活动充满活力的是“茶党快车”的支持。 ecocn

Even though there was no great support financially, internally we were energised.
尽管我们没有足够的资金支持,但是我们有充满活力。 yeeyan

Exercise re- energised staff, improved their concentration and problem solving and made them feel calmer.
锻炼使职员们如同充电般再次精神勃发,并且提高了注意力和问题解决能力,还使他们感到心情平和。 cri

For a man to feel energised he needs an objective, a target to hit and a timetable.
对男人来说,要感到有逛头,就要有目标、有能实现目标的地点和时间表。 yeeyan

Ill health and a newly energised opposition force the prime minister's exit
病痛和再次活跃的反对势力迫使首相出局 ecocn

It is only when the correct voltages are applied to the A/ C amplifier from the key inputs that the primary outputthe A/ C compressor relay will be energised.
只有 A/ C扩大器上的电压是来自输入端的正确电压时,初级输出即 A/ C压缩机继电器才会被激活开启。51lunwen

Mr Hurstel, at Ernst & Young, worries about how to keep long-serving partners happy and energised, especially after the Enron scandals have eroded their godlike status.
安永的 Hurstel先生担心如何使长时间工作的合伙人保持心情愉快,精力充沛,尤其是在安然丑闻损害了会计业良好的声誉之后。 ecocn

The Republicans, energised by the enthusiasm of tea-party activists, have picked up at least60 seats in the House of Representatives.
在茶党积极分子的热情鼓舞之下,共和党人已获得众议院中至少60个席位。 ecocn

Their pugnaciousness has energised donors and activists.
他们的好斗让捐赠人和活跃分子激动。 ecocn

They keep your muscles energised and your mind alert.
能即时为肌肉提供能量并保持思维敏捷。 qcxn

This is great if you instantly need to be on the move after a nap, and you can bounce out of your sleeping state and jump into work feeling refreshed and energised.
如果你需要在瞌睡之后马上清醒,这是很好的方法,你可以马上从睡眠中醒来精神百倍地投入工作。 yeeyan

We may feel more energised in the summer and feel we can get by with less sleep but we need to recognise when to take a break.
在夏天,我们可能感到精神还好,少睡点问题不大,但我们必须知道休息时候就该休息。 yeeyan

When the solenoid is de- energised, the pilot orifice closes and full line pressure is applied to the top of the diaphragm through a bleed orifice.
当螺线管德通电,飞行员口关闭并全线压力作用于出血口通过对膜片的顶部。 cnpv

You feel quite energised and more composed than you have for days.
与前几日相比您觉得浑身充满了活力,更觉镇静。 yeeyan




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