

单词 enema
释义 en·e·ma 英ˈenəmə美ˈɛnəməAHDĕnʹə-mə ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁴⁷⁹⁹BNC²⁴⁵⁴⁶iWeb¹⁸²⁴⁴

an injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposesen-, 进入,使。-ema, 来自拉丁文hienai, 扔,射,词源同jet, project.magnesium sulfate enema硫酸镁灌肠barium enema examination钡灌肠检查retention enema保留灌肠enema syringe灌肠注射器ice water enema冰水灌肠low enema低位灌肠法soapsuds enema肥皂水灌肠oxygen enema氧气灌肠法Barium enema钡灌肠pancreatic enema胰酶灌肠剂copious enema大量灌肠法cleaning enema清洁灌肠cleansing enema清洁灌肠air enema空气灌肠saline enema盐水灌肠
近义词 purge整肃clyster灌肠emetic催吐剂laxative泻药purgative泻药cathartic泻药suppository坐药

用作名词I'm going to give you anenemato help you pass motion.我要给您灌肠,帮助您排便。as in.injection
同义词 dose,needlebooster,dram,inoculation,vaccine
injectionnoun introduction into bloodstream
booster,dose,dram,inoculation,needle,vaccine A barium enema is a special X- ray where a white“milk- shake fluid” is flushed into the rectum and by using mild pressure is pushed throughout the entire large intestine.
钡灌肠是一种特殊的 X线检查。 医务人员将钡剂一种白色的奶昔状液体灌入直肠,然后轻轻的将钡剂推入整个大肠。 yeeyan

The early anus examination, barium enema and endoscopy will increase the early diagnostic rate.
及时的进行肛诊,钡灌肠和内窥镜检查能增加早期诊断率。 cnki

This remedy is not one for drinking: we’re talking about the coffee enema.
不是通过饮用而是做为一种灌肠剂。 yeeyan

Conclusion Air enema is the best methods in treat and diagnose infant intussusception.
结论空气灌肠是诊断与治疗小儿肠套叠的最好方法。 boyalunwen

Conclusion MSCT scan after administration of water orally and 2% meglumine diatrizoate enema in diagnosis of colonic neoplasms has great value.
结论螺旋CT扫描结合口服清水、2%泛影葡胺灌肠对结肠癌的诊断及术前分期有重要意义。 cnki

Except the normal control group, experimental colitis was induced in all mice by oxazolone enema.
除正常对照组外,其余小鼠均以恶唑酮灌肠造模。 cnki

Except the mice in normal group, all mice were induced by oxazolone enema.
除正常组外,其余小鼠均以恶唑酮灌肠造模。 cnki

I fear the enema, though I am European enough to sing the praises of suppositories.
虽 然我是百分百的欧洲人,能脱口唱出对栓剂的赞歌,但我对灌肠就是有恐惧感。 yeeyan

If you’d like to take that one step further, try using an enema.
如果你还想更进一步的话还可以尝试下浣肠。 yeeyan

In standard mummification, organs were either removed and preserved independently, or a chemical enema was inserted into the anus to dissolve the organs in situ.
在制作木乃伊的标准方法中,器官要么被移除单独保存,要么向肛门注入化学物品以便在原位置溶解这些器官。 yeeyan

Likewise, if he picked X over Y, a colonoscopy over an enema, pushpin over poetry, his choice should be respected.
同样的,假如他选择了 X放弃了 Y,选择了结肠镜检查放弃了灌肠,选择了彩头图钉放弃了诗歌,他的选择应该得到尊重。 ecocn

Objective To analyse different influential factors that treat pediatric intussusception with air enema.
目的分析空气灌肠治疗小儿肠套叠的各种影响因素。 cnki

Objective To determine the feasibility of barium enema double contrast examination for diagnosing appendicitis.
目的分析钡灌肠双重造影对诊断阑尾炎的可行性。 cnki

Objective To generalize experience of air enema in children intussusception and to elevate the successful rate.
目的总结空气灌肠小儿肠套叠整复的经验,提高整复成功率。 cnki

Objective:To improve the success rate of air enema reduction of infant intussusception.
目的:提高婴幼儿急性肠套叠空气灌肠整复成功率。 cnki

Researchers identified claims for various colorectal cancer screening methods including fecal occult blood test FOBT, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and barium enema.
研究人员确定了各种结直肠癌筛查方法,包括大便阴血实验 FOBT、可屈性乙状结肠镜、结肠镜检查和钡灌肠检查。 dxy

That night, a patient in the room with Joe had a bad stomach pain so the nurses came in to give him an enema.
那天晚上,和 Joe同房间的一个病人得了严重的胃病,于是护士过来给他灌肠。 kekenet

The condition can be excruciatingly painful and must be quickly reversed with either an air or fluid enema or fixed surgically.
这种情况会造成极度的痛苦,必须即时以空气或液体灌肠救治,或施以手术矫治。 iciba




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