

单词 algebra
释义 al·ge·bra 英ˈældʒəbrə美ˈældʒəbrəAHDălʹjə-brə ☆☆☆☆☆高四六IMTCOCA¹⁷⁰²⁰BNC¹⁹⁶⁵⁰iWeb¹¹¹⁰²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³


a type of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent quantities

the mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations来自阿拉伯语,源自古代波斯数学家花刺子模发表的一部数学经典著作《还原与对消计算概要》的书名。这本专著被认为是代数学的奠基之作。表示“还原计算”的单词algebra就被用来表示代数学这门新学科。enveloping algebra封裹代数division algebra可除代数augmented algebra增广代数partition algebra划分代数switching algebra开关代数complex algebra复代数matrix algebra矩阵代数graphic algebra图解代数circuit algebra线路代数tensor algebra张量代数primary algebra准素代数vector algebra矢量代数,向量代数…Boolean algebra布尔代数formal algebra形式代数modular algebra模数代数linear algebra线性代数measure algebra测度代数universal algebra泛代数genetic algebra遗传代数学…
词源解释 来自阿拉伯语,源自古代波斯数学家花刺子模发表的一部数学经典著作《还原与对消计算概要》的书名。这本专著被认为是代数学的奠基之作。表示“还原计算”的单词algebra就被用来表示代数学这门新学科。
al阿拉伯语定冠词+gebr连接断开部分+a名词后缀→连接断开部分的学问→数学运算中合并同类项的学问⇒代数学。非常记忆al暗恋〖拼音〗+ge哥〖拼音〗+bra胸罩〖熟词〗⇒因为暗恋哥哥我穿着胸罩学代数用作名词n.Middle school students have to learn both algebra and geometry.中学生必须学代数与几何。
I'm very good at algebra.我的代数很好。
The letter X stands for 4 in the algebra problem X+3=7.在代数题X+3=7中,X代表4。Psubalgebra子代数Palgebraistn.代数学家Palgebraica.代数的代数学的Palgebraicallyad.用代数方法

用作名词The boy can't figure out thealgebraproblems.这个男孩做不出这道代数题。
It's easy to learnalgebra.学习代数很容易。
We've learnedalgebrain middle school.我在中学就学过代数学。as in.mathematics
同义词 calculation,calculus,geometry,mathaddition,division,figures,multiplication,numbers,subtraction,trigonometry
反义词 decrease,reduction,subtraction
mathematicsnoun arithmetic
addition,calculation,calculus,division,figures,geometry,math,multiplication,numbers,subtraction,trigonometry The field of computer algebra offers a rich diversity of methodologies for almost every aspect of mathematical research.
计算机代数领域几乎为数学研究的每个方面提供了丰富多彩的方法。 ibm

A well-rounded young adult will have studied not only algebra, Dante, and photosynthesis, but will also be able to explain why prices rise.
一位知识全面的青年人不仅应该懂得代数、文学和光合作用,也应该能解释价格上涨的原因。 yeeyan

Although these calculations are nothing more than basic trigonometry and algebra, the formulas are very complicated.
虽然这些计算无非是最基本的三角形和代数计算,但是所使用的公式非常复杂。 ibm

Experience with events and vector algebra will definitely help, but isn't necessary.
了解事件和向量代数一定有帮助,但不是必要的。 ibm

Game categories include spelling, basic math, times tables, and algebra.
游戏种类有拼写,基础算术,时间表,代数。 yeeyan

If you've developed graphical applications, you're probably familiar with linear algebra and the matrix operations required to implement things like translation, scaling, and rotation.
如果您开发过图形应用程序,您可能会熟悉实现诸如平移、缩放和放转等所需要的线性代数和矩阵运算。 ibm

In between they study algebra and English novels at an on-site school, and accounting classes aim to help them manage their finances should they hit the big time.
其间他们现场学习代数和英文小说,同时还要学习一些会计课程,以帮助他们在一鸣惊人、功成名就时管理自己的财产。 ecocn

Instead of using algebra to indirectly quantify grit in the classroom, why not figure out a way to test it straight?
与其在课堂上用代数考试来间接地衡量“刻苦”,为什么不找出一种直接的方法来测试它呢? yeeyan

It runs on a variety of computer systems and is especially good at arithmetic involving arbitrary- length integers and fractions, graphics, and matrix and polynomial algebra.
它在各种各样的计算机系统上运行,尤其擅长于涉及任意长度整数和小数、图、矩阵和多项式代数的算术。 ibm

Its main advantage over traditional mathematical notation for linear algebra is that it's much easier to type.
同线性代数传统的数学标记法相比,其主要优点是更易于输入。 ibm

Many algebra teachers expressed concern about their use in the lower grades.
很多代数学老师对低年级学生使用计算器表示了忧虑。 hjenglish

Mathematicians are familiar with this; common problems in algebra are more tractable when considered over the complex numbers than over the reals, even though complex arithmetic is more difficult.
数学家对此很熟悉;如果将代数中的常见问题考虑成复数而不是实数时,那么这些问题就更容易处理,尽管复数算法较难。 ibm

Most systems available for computer algebra also feature a graphing mechanism that lets you visualize the data that is being plotted.
可用于计算机代数的大多数系统还突出体现了某种绘图机制,允许您可视化所标绘的数据。 ibm

Physicists from the earliest times had always thought of the variables that they were using as quantities satisfying the ordinary laws of algebra.
早先的物理学家们都总是认为他们作为物理量使用的变量符合一般的代数定律。 yeeyan

SAGE is unique in that it can function as an integrator of other diverse computer algebra systems, allowing the user to leverage the individual strengths of the various packages.
SAGE的独特之处在于,它能够用作其他各种计算机代数系统的集成器,从而允许用户利用不同软件包的各自强项。 ibm

So that’s an algebra question.
那是一个代数问题。 putclub

So, compare it to algebra.
所以可以将其与代数相比。 infoq

So the nice thing about arrays is, you can use them to do the kinds of things you, if you ever took a linear algebra course, you learned about doing.

The open lectures range from philosophy101, British history, modern poetry, to linear algebra, the big bang theory and autism research.
从哲学101、英国历史、现代历史到线性代数、宇宙大爆炸和自闭症研究等讲座都对外开放。 yeeyan

The12-year-old taught himself calculus, algebra and geometry in two weeks, and can solve up to200 numbers of Pi.
这个12岁的天才在2周内自学了微积分、代数和几何学,可以计算圆周率到200位。 yeeyan

They were having a hard time understanding algebra.
他们在理解代数时遇到了困难。 ebigear

This theoretical model allows, for example, that relational algebra operations to be replaced by more efficient equivalent operations whereas not interfere with the result.
例如,这种理论模型允许用更有效的等价操作来代替关系代数操作同时不影响结果。 ibm

With the source code available, it makes a useful tool for students just beginning to exploring computer algebra systems.
由于有源代码可用,它成了刚开始探索计算机代数系统的学生的有用工具。 ibm




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