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词汇 endopeptidases
释义 endopeptidases
Backgroud: Matrix metalloproteinases are a family of znicendopeptidasesexcreted by a number of cell types.背景: 基质金属蛋白酶MMP是一类多种细胞可以分泌,活性依赖于锌离子的蛋白水解酶。
Exposure of prolylendopeptidasesto bile acids made them more susceptible to pancreatic proteases under simulated intestinal conditions.在模拟肠内环境中,胆汁酸存在时可以使脯氨酰内肽酶更已被胰蛋白酶分解。
The matrix metalloproteinases are a family of structurally relatedendopeptidases, they have the ability to degrade all components of extracellular matrix.摘要基质金属蛋白酶是一类结构相关的内肽酶家族,能够降解细胞外基质成分。
The matrix metalloproteinases are a family of structurally relatedendopeptidases,they have the ability to degrade all components of extracellular matrix.基质金属蛋白酶是一类结构相关的内肽酶家族,能够降解细胞外基质成分。
The results treated with actidione, ABA, BA, and H 2O 2 also indicated that BA and actidione could inhibitedendopeptidasesactivity. On the other hand, ABA and H 2O 2 could enhance its activity.另外 ,用不同浓度放线菌酮、激素、H2 O2 处理的试验表明 ,放线菌酮和BA可抑制内肽酶的活性 ,而ABA和H2 O2 可促进内肽酶活力的提高。




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