

单词 encoding rule
释义 encoding rule
Fourthly, with ASN.1 protocol and theencoding rule, design of collector subsystem in Packet Switched Domain is analyzed according to the process of engineering.第四部分,结合ASN.;1协议和编码规则,根据实际的研发过程,分析了分组域话单采集设计。
SOAP took this one step further with its encoding rules for objects.SOAP向前迈出了一步,有了用于对象的编码规则。
For a message that needs to go through a defined set of encoding rules.表示这个消息是通过已定义好的一组编码规则来生产。
This sample demonstrates using the BerConverter class to do basic encoding rules encoding and decoding.此示例演示使用BerConverter类来执行基本编码规则编码和解码。
Note: These message construction rules define the standard HL7 encoding rules, creating variable length delimited messages.注意:消息构筑规则中定义了HL7编码规则标准,创建了不同长度的定界消息。




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