

单词 empyema
释义 em·py·e·ma 英ˌempaɪˈiːmə美ˌɛmpaɪˈiməAHDĕm'pī-ēʹmə COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb⁵¹⁹²⁸
a collection of pus in a body cavity especially in the lung cavityempyema gaseosum气脓胸empyema of gallbladder胆囊积脓empyema necessitatis医 自溃性脓胸…empyema of maxillary sinus上颌窦积脓empyema of antrum医 上颌窦积脓…acute empyema急性脓胸empyema tube医 脓胸管empyema of chest脓胸amebic empyema阿米巴脓胸empyema articuli关节积脓, 急性化脓…
Methods Clinical data of156 cases of chronic tuberculous empyema treated with thoracic close drainage were retrospectively analyzed.
回顾分析我们采用胸腔闭式引流治疗结核性脓胸156例的临床资料。 http://dict.cnki.net

Objective To explore the clinical effect of thoracic close drainage on the treatment of chronic tuberculous empyema.
探讨胸腔闭式引流在慢性结核性脓胸治疗中的应用价值。 dictall

ObjectiveTo detect the cure for empyema.
目的:探讨脓胸的治疗方法。 cnki

The patient was a55 year old man with a history of alcoholism who had multiple refractory focal seizures in the setting of pulmonary empyema.

Chest surgery consisted primarily of evacuation of empyema.
胸腔外科基本上是限于对脓胸进行排脓。 kuenglish

Conclusion The method of stripped pleural fibreboard was a good operative too for the treatment chronic tuberculous empyema. The indication for the operation should be expanded.
结论胸膜纤维板剥脱术是治疗慢性结核性脓胸较理想的手术方法,可以扩大手术适应证。 cnki

Conclusion Decortication treatment for chronic tuberculous empyema via mini thoracotomy is suitable for early- stage chronic tuberculous empyema.
结论胸部小切口胸膜纤维板剥脱术适合于刚进入慢性阶段的结核性脓胸患者。 cnki

Important predisposing causes should be considered including diabetes mellitus and carcinoma of the bronchus. Complications include lung abscess, pleural effusion and empyema.
应考虑重要的诱发因素,包括糖尿病及支气管癌。合并症有肺脓肿,胸腔积液及脓胸。 med126

Lung abscess, empyema and subsequent bronchiectasis are relatively common complications.
较常见的合并症有肺脓肿、脓胸及随后发生的支气管扩张症。 med126

Methods8 cases with chronic empyema were treated by stuffing operation with muscle segment.
方法采用肌瓣填塞术治疗8例慢性脓胸。 cnki

Objective To review the clinical experience of video-assisted minithoracotomy VAMT in the treatment of chronic empyema.
目的总结胸腔镜辅助下小切口 VAMT治疗慢性脓胸的临床经验。 dictall

Objective To discuss the effect of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgeryVATS on the treatment of acute empyema.
目的探讨电视胸腔镜治疗急性脓胸的临床效果。 cnki

Objective To explore effects of pleural space drainage plus drug infusion in treating tuberculous empyema.
目的探讨胸腔闭式引流法治疗结核性脓胸的效果。 cnki

Objective To investigate the best method and effect of pathway incise edge clear away operation in the thoracic cavity and water bottle on acute empyema.
目的探索小切口胸内廓清术加吹自制水瓶治疗急性脓胸的最佳方法和疗效。 cnki

Objective To study the effect of sodium hyaluronate on pleural adhesions and fibrosis in a rabbit model of empyema.
目的探讨高分子量透明质酸钠对金黄色葡萄球菌感染的兔脓胸胸膜粘连及纤维化的影响。 dictall

Objective To study the blowing hall method after decortication of lung for treatment of chronic empyema patients, and try to find out a simple, safe and effective ways of enhancing lung puff.
目的通过对慢性脓胸行胸膜纤维板剥脱术后病人进行吹气球训练的研究,寻求一种简单、安全、有效的促使肺复张的方法。 dictall

Objective:To discuss the clinical manifestations, prevention and treatment of uterine empyema complicated with the perforation of the uterine.
目的:探讨宫腔积脓并发子宫穿孔的临床特征和防治措施。 cnki

Purpose; To study pathological changes of nasal sinuses by analysing the MRI of110:> patients respectively with pachymucosa, cyst is, polyp or empyema.
目的:通过对一组110例鼻窦病变的 MRI来分析粘膜肥厚、囊肿、息肉、蓄脓病变。 cnki

Results There were no postoperative bronchopleural fistula and thoracic empyema in all patients.554 cases successfully sutured while8 cases had air leakage in the stump.
结果全组均未发生支气管胸膜瘘及脓胸,554例均一次成功闭合支气管,仅有8例支气管断端有少许漏气,予以间断加强缝合。 cnki

The complication of pulmonary atelectasis and pleural effusion was in11 cases, pulmonary infection in5 cases, empyema in3 cases, bronchopleural fistula in2 cases.
术后并发肺不张、胸腔积液11例,肺部感染5例,脓胸伴切口感染3例,并发支气管胸膜瘘2例。 cnki

This article reports two cases of empyema cured by debridement with early thoracotomy.
本文报告二例应用早期开胸清创术治疗脓胸病人。 cnki




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