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词汇 Alexandria
释义 Al·ex·an·dri·a 英ˌælɪgˈzændriːə美ˌælɪgˈzændriəAHDăl'ĭg-zănʹdrē-ə 高COCA⁹⁹²⁵BNC¹⁷⁵⁰⁵
It is not clear yet who is responsible for the horrific bombing in Alexandria, which followed threats from an al Qaeda- linked group in Iraq.
谁应该为亚历山大港令人恐惧的爆炸案负责,目前还不清楚,只是随后在伊拉克发生了一起与基地组织有关的袭击。 yeeyan

Odette Tawil, right, and friends at the Port of Alexandria,1955.
1955年,欧德特.塔维右和朋友们在亚历山大港。 yeeyan

Odette Tawil, right, and friends at the Port of Alexandria,1955. Beachgoers at the time would hire“ cutters,” sailboats that plied the waterfront, nearby beaches, and fishing spots.
1955年,欧德特.塔维右和朋友们在亚历山大港。当时的游客们喜欢租一艘“快艇”实为帆船,去造访海滨、附近的沙滩和一些垂钓点。 yeeyan

The best and brightest of the Mediterranean world came to study at the Mouseion, the world's first academy, and at the great Alexandria library.
地中海世界的优秀人才们纷纷来到世界上第一所学院—缪斯庙和亚历山大利亚图书馆求学。 yeeyan

This was so not just in the Fertile Crescent but, over the centuries, in Alexandria and Amsterdam, Cambay and Constantinople, London and Lisbon, Teotihuacán and Tenochtitlán.
不仅在新月沃地,几个世纪后的亚历山大和阿姆斯特丹、君士坦丁堡和坎贝、伦敦和里斯本、特诺兹提朗和特奥蒂华坎也是如此。 ecocn

Within three weeks, the German and Italian forces had pushed the British army out of Libya and gained a foothold in Sollum, Egypt, threatening Alexandria.
德国和意大利的军队在三周时间内把英国的军队赶出了利比亚,同时在埃及的索纳姆获得了立足点,直接威胁亚历山大。 yeeyan

“ I thought before we started digging that Cleopatra would be buried facing the palace in Alexandria, in the royal tombs area,” said Hawass.
哈瓦斯说:“在我们开始挖掘之前,我认为克里欧佩特拉会被安葬在亚历山大利亚对面的陵墓群中。” yeeyan

After studying more than a dozen temples, Martinez headed west of Alexandria along the coastal road to explore the ruin she had begun to believe was the last, best hope for her theory.
在调查过十几个寺庙之后,马丁尼自亚历山大利亚沿海岸公路往西去探访她认为的最后一处遗址,也是她觉得最有希望的地方。 yeeyan

Along a strip of land between the Mediterranean and Lake Mareotis he laid out a blueprint for Alexandria, which would serve as Egypt's capital for nearly a thousand years.
在地中海与马里奥蒂斯湖之间的狭长地带,亚历山大勾勒出亚历山大利亚的建造蓝图,而那里也将会在以后近千年的时间内成为埃及的首都。 yeeyan

An Irish-born monastic, writing in the late seventh century, shows a remarkable knowledge of the Middle East, including the Nile and Alexandria.
七世纪后期一位爱尔兰籍的修士就具有对尼罗河和亚历山大港这样的中东地区具有相当的见识。 ecocn

But violent clashes continued in Suez, where a government building was torched and another protester killed, and in Alexandria.
但在苏伊士,激烈的冲突仍然继续着,一栋政府建筑被烧毁,另有一名抗议者在亚历山大港被害。 ecocn

But when Nur, his beloved son, is paralysed after a diving accident on holiday in Alexandria, the balance is upset.
但是,他心爱的儿子努尔在亚历山大度假时,发生潜水意外瘫痪后,这种平衡被打破了。 ecocn

Egypt's health ministry said79 people were wounded in the attack in Alexandria, the country's official Middle East News Agency MENA reported.
埃及官方的中东通讯社 MENA援引卫生部的话报道说,发生在亚历山大港的这一起袭击导致79人受伤。 yeeyan

He went to Alexandria, where he studied architecture and town planning and developed a passion for Egyptian modern art and sculpture.
他在亚历山大学习建筑和城镇规划,并且逐渐对埃及现代派艺术与雕塑产生了兴趣。 topsage

In 1997, Mr. Salinger agreed to let Orchises Press, a small publisher in Alexandria, Va., bring out “ Hapworth” in book form, but he backed out of the deal at the last minute.
1997年,塞林格同意让奥齐斯出版社一家位于弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的小出版商发行《哈普沃兹》的单行本,但他在最后关头又取消了这个协议。 yeeyan

In the northern port city of Alexandria, some residents were unnerved by the young men on patrol.
在北部的港口城市亚历山大港,一些居民畏惧于那些在街头巡逻的年轻人。 yeeyan

It is known that Alexandria's Eastern Harbor was abandoned after another earthquake, in the eighth century, and was left untouched as an open bay.
据悉,亚历山大东港在第八世纪因一场地震被遗弃,从那时开始它就从未被开发过,成为一个开放的海湾。 kekenet

It's the Easter letter by the Bishop Athanasius, who was Bishop of Alexandria.

It's the Easter letter by the Bishop Athanasius, who was Bishop of Alexandria.

Looters rampaged through a number of upper-class neighbourhoods in Cairo, while in Alexandria there were reports of widespread looting of supermarket chains.
掠夺者已经狂暴的冲过开罗的一些高级住宅区,同时在亚历山大港有报道说非常多的超市连锁店已经遭到了洗劫。 yeeyan

Moreno, an Egyptian of Sephardic Jewish descent, had been born in Alexandria and raised in Cairo.
摩惹诺是出生于亚历山大市,在开罗长大的西班牙裔犹太血统埃及人。 yeeyan

Mr Farsi's private passion, however, remained the work of the Egyptian modernists he had met during his sojourns in Alexandria.
然而,法尔西先生个人依然偏好于那些当年他在亚历山大所接触过的埃及现代派艺术。 ecocn

She could take her daughter in, but there aren’t good ways for her toearn a living in Alexandria Bay, in upstate New York.
她可以欺骗她女儿,但是在纽约北部的亚历山大港,她没有谋生的好办法。 yeeyan

She was the daughter of Theon, the last known member of the famed library of Alexandria, and followed his footsteps in the study of math and astronomy.
她是亚历山大图书馆最后为人所知的成员赛翁的女儿,追随父亲从事数学和天文学方面的研究。 yeeyan

Soon after Mr. Mubarak's speech, clashes erupted between protesters and government supporters in the northern port city of Alexandria. At least12 people were injured.
穆巴拉克发表声明后不久,抗议者与政府的支持者在埃及北部的港口城市亚历山大发生了冲突,导致至少12人受伤。 hxen

The UK is advising its nationals in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez to leave if it is safe for them to do so.
英国政府也建议在开罗、亚历山大港、苏伊士的英国公民如果情况足够安全的话请离开埃及。 yeeyan

The peaceful crowds that turned out that day were not huge: they numbered in the tens of thousands only in Cairo and Alexandria.
当日参加活动的和平集会者规模并不庞大:只有在开罗和亚历山大港,其人数才达数万人。 ecocn

Until the first world war, and an encounter at the age of38 with a soldier on a beach near Alexandria, he was painfully virginal.
直到第一次世界大战爆发,38岁的福斯特在埃及亚历山大港附近的海滩邂逅了一名士兵,他他还是内心痛苦的童男。 topsage




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