

单词 employ
释义 em·ploy 英emˈplɔɪ美ɛmˈplɔɪAHDĕm-ploiʹ ★★★☆☆高四六研T牛4八IGCOCA²³⁴²BNC⁶²⁹¹iWeb²⁰⁸⁴Economist⁴⁸¹⁰

vt. 雇用

give work and pay to; take on or appoint a person as a paid worker

vt. 使用,利用

make use of

U雇用,受雇; 服务

employment, service



the state of being employed or having a job;

they are looking for employment

he was in the employ of the city

put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose;

use your head!

we only use Spanish at home

I can't use this tool

Apply a magnetic field here

This thinking was applied to many projects

How do you utilize this tool?

I apply this rule to get good results

use the plastic bags to store the food

He doesn't know how to use a computer

engage or hire for work;

They hired two new secretaries in the department

How many people has she employed?

employ, hire


1.employ表示一般意义的“雇用”某人,被雇用人工作相对稳定,有固定薪水,还可能晋升职务等,多用于政府部门、工商企业、银行、公司、团体等各种机构,如果用于私人雇用时,即讲好工作待遇,就可开始工作; hire作“雇用”解时,是美式英语或非正式的英语用法,多指用低薪雇用临时工人或进行特殊工作的人。例如:

One thousand hands are employed at this factory.这个工厂雇用1000名工人。
They employ day-labourers during the busy season.他们忙时要雇短工。
We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city.我们雇了一个司机带我们浏览这个城市。

2.employ的宾语是人, hire的宾语可以是人,也可以是物。 例如:

The new road will employ thousands of men.修这条新路要用成千上万的人。
The store hired two more clerks for the sale.这家商店为了这次廉价销售又雇了两名店员。
During the holiday we hired a boat and went fishing.假期我们租了一条船去钓鱼。employ, use



They employed the weapon of self-criticism.他们使用了自我批评的武器。
May I use your knife?我可以用你的刀子吗?

2.use的宾语多为具体的事物; employ的宾语多为时间、权力等抽象名词。例如:

He employed his spare time in reading.他利用空闲时间看书。
We used 20 tons of coal last winter.去年冬天我们用了20吨煤。










词根词缀: em-向内 + -ploy= -plic-折叠
用作动词 v.
~+名词employ a hammer使用锤子employ a knife使用一把刀employ a method使用方法employ a secretary雇一个秘书employ a servant雇一个仆人employ a typewriter雇一个打字员employ a worker雇一个工人employ its beak使用鸟嘴employ one's spare time使用〔利用〕时间employ water倒水~+副词employ actively积极地使用employ advantageously有利地使用employ anxiously忧虑地使用employ conspicuously惹人注目地雇用,惹人注目地使用employ extensively广泛使用employ faithfully诚聘employ figuratively象征性地使用employ frequently经常雇用,经常使用,经常忙于employ fully十分忙碌于employ gainfully有报酬地雇用employ gradually渐渐干涸employ manually从事体力劳动employ methodically井井有条地雇用employ occasionally偶尔使用employ peacefully平和地雇用employ profitably有益地雇用employ skillfully熟练地从事employ sparingly不滥使用employ steadily稳定地使用employ suitably适用employ systematically系统地使用employ temporarily暂时雇用employ thriftily节俭地使用employ unceasingly不断雇用,不断使用employ underground偷偷地雇用employ uselessly无用地利用employ usually通常雇用employ vigilantly谨慎地雇用employ vigorously精力充沛employ wisely善于利用employ out a drawer将抽屉腾空~+介词employ about用来干某事employ…as把…作为employ at作为,雇用为employ…by把…花在…上employ…for用…跟踪employ…from把…从…倒出employ in就职于employ into注入employ…of把…从…空出employ on把…倒在…上,在…就职employ onto把…倒在…上
employ about v.+prep.

雇用 give work and pay to

employ sth about sthIt is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifling matters.真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来干这类琐事。
employ at v.+prep.

雇用 pay sb to work (at a particular place, or rate of pay)

employ sb at sth/v-ingThe company employs thousands of men at its car factory.这个公司在汽车厂雇用了数千名工人。
Large numbers of female workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay.大批女工以最低工资受雇。
employ for v.+prep.

把…用来做 use sth to do sth

employ in v.+prep.

使忙于,使从事于 be busy with sth or do-ing sth

employ oneself/sth in sth/v-ingShe employed all her free time in sewing.她把所有空闲时间都拿来做针线活。
He employed his spare time in reading.他利用空闲时间看书。
He employs himself in reading after work.下班以后,他把时间花在看书上。
He is employing himself in compiling a dictionary of English idioms.他正忙于编写一本英语习语词典。
She employed herself in writing.她从事写作。
We should always be employed in something.我们总得干些事。
They were employed in scientific researches.他们从事科学研究。
More scientists are being employed in studies to develop new medicines.更多的科学家正在从事开发新药的研究。
She was employed in watering the flowers.她忙着给花浇水。
The children were employed in weeding the garden.孩子们正忙着给花园除草。
She was employed in copying letters.她被雇来抄写书信。
For a day or two we were busily employed in unpacking and laying out our property to the best advantage.我们打开行囊,布置陈设,一直忙了一两天。
He was employed in a bank.他在一家银行工作。用作名词n.in the employ of〔in sb's employ〕

受…雇用,在…任职 employed by

词根plic- /plect-编织,折叠,合拢来自拉丁语,最终源自原始印欧语词根*plek-编织原始印欧语词根*pel-(2折叠的派生形式)。词根plic-的过去分词形式为plicat-,词根plect-的过去分词形式为plex-。
em=in,进入+ploy=词根plic-的法语音变,折叠,辅音字母c在法语中脱落了,单元音字母i变长双元音字母oi,字母i在词尾改写为y→折叠进去→采用,使从事于⇒雇佣。词根记忆em进入+ploy=进入用的状态=雇佣近义词 payhireserviceemployment反义词 letfiredischarge
S+~+ n./pron.The factory employed 600 hands.该工厂雇用600人。
He employs three typists.他雇有三个打字员。
They employed five waiters.他们雇用五个招待员。
We could not employ him then.当时,我们不能雇用他。
If you don't trust him, why do you employ him?如果你不信任他,那你为什么聘用他?
They didn't dare to employ a good-looking girl themselves for fear of what people would say.他们自己不敢雇用一个漂亮的女孩子,就是因为害怕人们说闲话。
This bird employs its beak as a weapon.这种鸟用嘴作武器。
How do you employ your spare time?你怎么利用你的业余时间?
He employs his time wisely.他善于利用时间。
You should employ your time better.你应该更好地利用你的时间。
They have employed none of the imported alloys in manufacturing this kind of steel.他们在炼制这种钢时没有用任何进口合金。
He employed himself teaching English.他从事英语教学工作。
His wife employs part of her leisure time working in their garden.他妻子利用空余时间在花园里干活。
He employed his spare time reading novels.他利用空余时间读小说。
At the moment I am employed by International Computer Co.Ltd.目前我在国际计算机有限公司任职。
New methods of production were employed a few years ago.新的生产方法几年前曾使用过。
You would be better employed tidying your room.你最好打扫一下你的房间。
S+~+ n./pron. +as n.They employed the girl as a typist.他们雇用那位小姐当打字员。
We employ her as an English interpreter.我们雇用她作英语翻译。
The company employed his sister as a secretary.那公司雇用他姐姐当秘书。
The company employs Mr.Tetterman as a consultant.那公司雇德特曼先生当顾问。
We employ English as a common language.我们把英语当作共同语言使用。
This bird employs its beak as a weapon.这种鸟用嘴作武器。
All the units employ hollow burned-clay blocks as the basic raw material.所有构件都用空心陶土砖作基本原料。
She is employed as a bank clerk.她被雇用为银行职员。
Richard is employed as an accountant.理查德被聘当会计。
She is employed as a secretary in the firm.她在那家公司里当秘书。
He once was employed as a country school-teacher.他曾在乡村小学任教。
A hollow tube is often employed as a conductor of current.空心管常常用作导电体。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHe employed ten workers to sell computers.他雇用了十名工人卖计算机。
We usually employ a knife to cut up food.我们常用刀切食物。
We are employing a firm of architects to design a new extension.我们正雇用一家建筑公司去设计新增的那部分。
We employed a lawyer to straighten out our legal tangle.我们雇了一位律师把法律纠纷理出头绪。
The police employed force to open the door.警察破门而入。
The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.警察不得不用武力驱散人群。
She was employed to design an engine.她受雇设计一台发动机。用作名词n.I left their employ after an argument.我与他们争吵之后就辞掉了工作。
He found a goodemploy.他找到一分好差事。Preemploy再度雇用Pemployern.雇主老板Pdisemployeda.失业的Phyperemployment超就业Pemployen.受雇者雇员雇工Pemploymentn.雇用职业工作Pemployeen.职员员工受雇人员Punemploymentn.失业失业人数Punemployeda.失业的未被利用的Punemployablen.不能受雇者a.不能受雇的Punder-employment不充分就业未按能力录用Poveremploymentn.雇佣过多就业过多劳力不足Pemployablea.适宜雇用的有资格任职的可利用的Punderemployeda.只有部分时间被雇用的就业不充分的Punderemploymentn.不充分就业部分时间被雇用才能和技术未充分利用Pself-employeda.自己经营的不受雇于他人的非为雇主工作的不专为某一雇主工作的








用作动词Theyemploycasual labor to pick the fruit他们雇佣临时工摘水果。
You mustemploysomeone to oversee the project.你得雇个人监督这一工程。
Why do you think we shouldemployyou?你认为我们为何要雇佣你?
Different artistsemploydifferent painting techniques.不同的画家会使用不同的绘画技巧。
Weemploydifferent security techniques to protect the database.我们使用不同的保护措施来保护数据库。verb.make use of
同义词 apply,engage,exploit,handle,occupy,operate,spend,use,utilizebestow,exercise,exert,fill,manipulatebring to bear,keep busy,put to use,take up,use up
反义词 be lazy,surrender,yield,takefire,ignore,lay off,let go,misuse,shununemployverb.give money in exchange for work performed
同义词 engage,enlist,hire,retaincommission,contract,ink,obtain,place,procure,securebring on board,come on board,contract for,put on,sign on,sign up,take on,truck with
反义词 discharge,fire,let go,release,shun,forfeit,loseignore,lay off,misuseunemploy
absorbverb occupy complete attention
applyverb put into use
administer,assign,bring into play,bring to bear,employ,engage,execute,exercise,exploit,handle,implement,practice,utilize
bossverb control;command
administer,administrate,chaperon,direct,employ,manage,overlook,oversee,quarterback,run,superintend,supervise,survey,take charge
charterverb reserve, commission
commissionverb authorize or delegate task
accredit,appoint,assign,bespeak,bid,charge,command,commit,confide to,consign,constitute,contract,crown,depute,deputize,dispatch,employ,empower,enable,engage,enlist,enroll,entrust,hire,inaugurate,induct,instruct,invest,license,name,nominate,ordain,order,select,send
commissionsverb authorize or delegate task
accredits,appoints,assigns,bespeaks,bids,charges,commands,commits,confide to,consigns,constitutes,contracts,crowns,deputes,deputizes,dispatches,employs,empowers,enables,engages,enlists,enrolls,entrusts,hires,inaugurates,inducts,instructs,invests,licenses,names,nominates,ordains,orders,selects,sends And since all cloud systems perform under the same general concepts, this technique should be useful to you regardless of which cloud platformor platforms you choose to employ.
因为所有的系统是在相同的概念下执行的,不管您选择采用哪个哪些平台,该技术都会对您起到帮助作用。 ibm

If, under Clause31, the Employer shall employ other Contractors on the Site, he shall require them to have the same regard for safety and avoidance of danger.
如果根据第31条的规定,业主在现场还雇佣其他承包人时,业主应要求这样的承包人在安全和避免危险方面负有同样的责任。 hxen




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