释义 |
Emperor Guangwu 基本例句 光武帝 Gongsun Shu was the eradication of the Eastern Han DynastyEmperor GuangwuLiu, future generations will be here a Baidi repair the temple.公孙述被东汉光武帝刘秀消灭后,后人便在这里修了一座白帝庙。 This part researches the organization and domain of Henanyin in the Wei-Jin and Northern dynasties, we know Henanyin was the highest chief executive of Henan district since Eastern Han dynastyEmperor Guangwumoved the capital to Luoyang.东汉光武帝迁都洛阳以后,京师所在郡河南郡的最高行政长官为河南尹,曹魏、西晋以及北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳以后,在司隶校尉或司州牧下设河南尹。 Emperor Guangwu, being a wise and great ruler, did not get angry, but openly acknowledged his mistakes and presented the guard with a hundred bolts of cloth to reward him for his dutifulness.光武帝毕竟是个英明有为的君主,非但没生气,还当众认错,又赏赐郅恽一百疋布,以嘉奖他的尽职。 Emperor Guangwuin the Han Dynasty汉光武帝 |