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词汇 Emmeline
释义 Emmeline ˈemili:n, -lain
“Dressed all in green” sounds likeEmmelineVance of the Order of the Phoenix, who favors an emerald shawl, but she looks stately, not wild.“穿一身绿衣服”听上去像凤凰社的那个喜欢深绿色披肩的爱米琳.;万斯。但她看起来端庄典雅,而不放荡。
MrsEmmelinePankhurst formed the Women\\'s Social and Political Union to fight for women\\'s emancipation in Britain.艾米琳?潘克斯特成立妇女社会政治联盟,来为当时英国的妇女解放做斗争。
Dressed all in green sounds likeEmmelineVance of the Order of the Phoenix, who favors an emerald shawl, but she looks stately, not wild.穿一身绿衣服”听上去像凤凰社的那个喜欢深绿色披肩的爱米琳.;万斯。但她看起来端庄典雅,而不放荡。
We try to analyze the formation ofEmmelinePankhurst's radical thought through understanding her background of growth and her political experience.她的激进思想的形成与她的成长背景和早期政治经历密切相关:童年的家庭教育和成长环境奠定了她激进思想的基础;
Tom's acts of kindness enrage Legree, and whenEmmelineand Cassy escape, he demands that Tom tell him everything he knows.一天,在汤姆的协助下两个女奴逃跑了。她们曾邀约汤姆一同逃走,但他坚持要留下来和可怜的黑奴们待在一起。
Cassy andEmmelineeventually escape, and they happen to wind up on the same northern-bound ferry as George Shelby, who is rooming next to a woman named Madame de Thoux.汤姆被抓到了路格里面前,他感到自己生命的最后时刻来临了。可他平静地面对着暴力,毫不畏惧,心中所有的只是对吃人的奴隶制的愤恨,对凶恶的奴隶主的仇视和对众多黑奴的深切同情。“我什么都知道,老爷,但是我什么也不能说,我宁愿死!”




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