

单词 emery
释义 em·er·y 英ˈeməriː, ˈemriː美ˈɛməri, ˈɛmriAHDĕmʹə-rē, ĕmʹrē ○○○○○高GCOCA⁴⁸⁴⁵⁴BNC²⁹⁵⁶⁴iWeb¹⁹¹⁷⁸

a hard grey-black mineral consisting of corundum and either hematite or magnetite; used as an abrasive especially as a coating on paper来自希腊语smyris,摩擦剂。可能来自PIE*smi, 砍,切,词源同smith. 即砍下来或通擦下来。emery board刚砂板emery stick金刚砂棒,砂条…emery stone钢砂石,曲石…emery flour细金刚砂粉powder emery金刚砂粉emery fillet砂布,砂带emery dust砂粉emery cloth金刚砂布emery grinder金刚砂磨石emery paper金刚砂纸emery bar棒状抛光膏emery cutter砂轮emery belt金刚砂抛光带…emery wheel金刚砂轮emery grit金刚砂粒emery sharpener金刚砂磨床emery tape砂带emery powder砂粉
近义词 abrasive磨料

用作名词She rubbed the glass withemerypaper.她用砂纸磨玻璃。
Theemeryis a hard metallic substance.金刚砂是非常坚硬的金属物质。 In this way, policies meant to support sponsorship start to look like anti- competitive protectionism, says Boris Uphoff, a lawyer with McDermott Will & Emery in Munich.
慕尼黑 McDennott Wm&Emeiy事务所的律师鲍里斯'乌普霍夫说,这样一来,本是为支持赞助行为的政策看上去倒好像会成为反竞争的保护主义了。 ecocn

Step3: Clean the freeze plug mounting surface of any rust and crud with a bit of emery cloth.
第三:用砂布清理冻结的塞子安装面,去除全部的锈渍和污垢。 peichina.cn

The picture part of carving and painting table screen is made of glass, by carving with emery and painting with glass paints.

The working efficiency by this method is higher than that by the method of double small dish emery wheel grinding.
本方法是采用成型砂轮磨削齿型,比双碟型砂轮磨削生产效率要高。 cnki

The emery is widely used in industry because it has well wearing capacity, but the usage of pavements is still rare.
金刚砂以其良好的耐磨性使得它在工业上得以广泛应用,但金刚砂在路面使用上仍属少见。 dictall

The emery is a hard metallic substance.
金刚砂是非常坚硬的金属物质。 hjenglish

“ Evidence suggests that exercise improves the cognitive performance of people with coronary artery disease, ” said psychologist Charles Emery, who led the study.
此项研究的负责人、心理学家查尔斯•埃莫里说:“有证据表明,身体锻炼能够提高冠心病患者的认知能力。” ebigear

“ Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nervous system, and these changes may have a direct effect on cognitive ability, ” Emery said.
埃莫里说:“锻炼看来能使神经系统发生积极的变化,而这些变化可能会对认知能力产生直接的影响。” ebigear

“ I think this trend is really important,” wrote reader David Emery, who spotted it on TUAW. “ If it continues then computing is in for a huge sea change.”
“我认为这一趋势真的很重要,”在 TUAW上看到这一报告的读者戴维•埃默里写道,“如果这种趋势延续下去,计算机行业必将迎来翻天覆地的变化。” fortunechina

As jade is of hard texture, carving is not done with a steel graver, but with emery by way of grinding.
由于玉质地很硬,不能用钢质雕刻刀雕刻,用磨光的金刚砂来雕刻。 blog.sina.com.cn

Dale Emery suggested that not knowing what kind of test you are writing is a code smell and indicates lack of clarity.
Dale Emery提议:对于不清楚所写测试的类型这种情况,应该将其定义为一种代码坏味道,它说明缺乏清晰度。 infoq

Fine sand cloth or emery cloth may also be used with the same precautions.
细砂布或金刚砂布也可以使用,但同样要小心。 h6688

If the substrate is metal, I sand blast it when possible or use80 grit emery paper as a second choice.
如果基板是金属,如可能我就喷砂或者,作为第二选择80粒度的金刚砂纸。 biketo

Introduced is the result of the experimental investigation of nickel- emery compoundeletroplating.
介绍镍-金刚砂复合电镀的实验研究结果。 cnki

It seemed to be made of grey metal, shiny but rough, like emery paper.
它看起来像是由灰白色金属制成,有光泽但很粗糙,质感如砂纸。 ecocn

Spiral chute is constructed of glass reinforced plastic and coated with Polyurethane emery wear resistant layer in the inner surface.
螺旋溜槽采用玻璃钢制造,内表面涂聚氨酯金刚砂耐磨层。 cn50hz

The paper presents and discusses the manufacturing technology of applying emery on batch roller of projectile weaving machine.
介绍了片梭织机卷取辊涂布金刚砂的制造工艺,并对制造工艺进行了讨论。 cnki

The one- room apartment is in a1920s landmark building by architect Emery Roth.
这个小公寓是十九世纪二十年代的地标性建筑,由建筑师艾默垂·罗斯设计建造。 yeeyan

Emery, Natural Corundum, Natural Garnet, Natural Abrasives, Aluminum Oxide, Waste Of Plastics, Parings Of Plastics, Iron.
新加坡公司求购刚玉砂,天然金刚砂,天然石榴石,天然磨料,氧化铝,塑料废料,塑料切片。 http://dict.kekenet.com

Emery said he now wanted to test people using music of their own choice.
埃莫里说,他现在想要测试一下那些自己选择音乐的人。 kekenet

Emery wear-resistant floors, epoxy floor paint series, PVC S.
金刚砂耐磨地坪,环氧树脂地坪涂装系列, PVC运动地板系列。 uni86




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