

单词 embolized
释义 embolizedCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
ConclusionRuptured cerebral aneurysms can be embolized as fast as possible. The therapeutic efficacy can be improved by controlling blood pressure and cerebral vasospasm.
结论脑动脉瘤破裂出血后可以尽快栓塞治疗,应用降压和扩血管等相关措施有助于改善治疗效果。 www.zhlnxnxg.com.cn

Of which24 cases were embolized,5 cases operated after embolization,39 cases accepted surgery alone and2 cases medical therapy.
结果单纯性栓塞治疗24例,先栓塞后手术5例,单纯手术治疗39例,保守治疗2例。 cnki

The ectopic meningioma on skull base has less blood supply than intradural meningioma, and less hemorrhage, so the artery does not need to be ligated or embolized during the operation.
颅底异位脑膜瘤较硬脑膜内者血运差,手术中出血量不多,一般不需动脉结扎或动脉栓塞。 cnki

Conclusion: Intracranial aneurysm with a narrow neck may been completely embolized by endovascular therapy technique, GDC is more manageable and better efficacy than MDS.
结论:在狭颈动脉瘤,经血管治疗技术可完全闭塞动脉瘤腔, GDC的可操作性和治疗效果要优于 MDS。 cnki

Intervention group was treated by via infusion internal iliac artery and uterine artery, and were embolized the branch of the anterior the internal iliac artery.
介入组进行两侧髂内动脉灌注和子宫动脉以及髂内动脉脏支栓塞术; cnki

Methods: The ruptured intracranial aneurysms were embolized with GDC.
方法:采用介入治疗颅内破裂动脉瘤微弹簧圈的栓塞。 chemyq

One of them was embolized two times for bleeding again.
其中有一例患者由于再出血而行第二次栓塞。 ilib

Result10 cases were embolized successfully and cured without any complication.
结果10例鼻出血患者栓塞成功,无并发症的发生,全部治愈出院。 studa

Results The blood supply of uterine myoma was occluded while both uterine arteries were embolized.
结果栓塞双侧子宫动脉后,子宫肌瘤血供可完全阻断。 cnki

Results The blood vessels of the tumor were almost embolized by the microcapsules.
结果经股动脉给药微囊栓塞后,肿瘤血供明显减少。 cnki

Results: All of the 14 aneurysms were embolized with GDCs successfully.
结果:所有病例均成功进行了 GDC栓塞。 fabiao

Results17 cavernous sinuses in13 patients with cavernous dural arteriovenous fistulas were embolized.
结果应用两种静脉入路对13例病人的17侧海绵窦进行了栓塞治疗。 cnki

Treated by unilateral femoral puncture, uterus Artery photography, embolized with PVA grain and absorbable gelation grain.
采用单侧股动脉穿刺,双侧子宫动脉造影, PVA颗粒加自制明胶海绵颗粒栓塞。 cnki

If several branches must be embolized, one should always tackle the most distal target first to avoid later loss of access due to vasospasm.
如果需要栓塞多根分支,应总是从远端开始以避免血管痉挛导致后来的置管困难。 fallill




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