

单词 email client
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Finally, how the secure email client application is utilized to cooperate with the CA based on PKI developed simultaneously is elaborated.
最后,介绍了此安全电子邮件系统如何配合同时开发的基于 PKI的证书系统的应用。 cnki

Set your email client to only check for new email once per hour.
将邮箱设置成每小时检查一次新邮件。 yeeyan

This section contains settings that allow the user to configure information such as default email client, text editor, instant messenger, terminal emulator, and web browser.
这一部分包含让用户对地域设置如语言、度量衡和时间、拼写检查以及键盘布局等信息进行配置。 launchpad

Understanding the differences between the two clients can help you get the most out of each email client.
理解这两个客户机之间的区别可以帮助您更好地利用它们。 ibm




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