

单词 else than
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A battle like the one which we are engaged in describing is nothing else than a convulsion towards the ideal.
一次我们此刻所谈到的战争无非是一种面向理想的痉挛。 ebigear

The emotional body is nothing else than the child within you.
情绪身体无外乎就是你内心的小孩。 blog.sina.com.cn

Civilization is nothing else than the attempt to reduce force to being the ultimate ratio.
文明不是别的,就是尽量减少用武力作为最后的手段。 topsage

Common right is nothing else than the protection of all beaming on the right of each.
这种公法并不是别的,就是大家对各人权利的保护。 ycwb

Do not stop your work, as your doubts and fears are nothing else than a healthy resistance to the changes ahead of us all.
别停下你的努力,疑虑和恐惧只是在面前即将到来变化的自然阻力。 blog.sina.com.cn

Her success was because of nothing else than her own diligence.
她的成功完全是由于她自己的勤奋。 jindou77

His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.
他的失败完全是因为他自己粗心大意。 yzenglish

History is little else than a picture of human crimes and misfortunes.
历史就是一幅人类的犯罪与不幸的图像。 blog.sina.com.cn

Loss is nothing else than change.
损失只不过是变化。 blog.sina.com.cn

There must be simple substances because there are compound substances; for the compound is nothing else than a collection or aggregate of simple substances.
既然有复合物,就应该有简单的实体,因为复合物无非就是简单物的聚合或叠加。 philosophyol.com

Until order, which is nothing else than universal peace, has been established, until harmony and unity reign, progress will have revolutions as its halting-places.
在秩序,即全球性的和平建立之前,在和谐统一普及大地之前,进步总是以革命为驿站的。 ebigear

Virtue is nothing else than right reason.
美德无过于正确的理性。 blog.sina.com.cn




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