

单词 elmer
释义 elmer
“ We're very proud to have delivered to Nintendo consistent technology advancements for three generations of entertainment consoles, ” said Elmer Corbin, director, IBM's custom chip business.
“我们非常自豪地交付三个世代的娱乐技术进步任天堂游戏机一致表示,”埃尔默宾主任, IBM的定制芯片业务。 pczilla

Kay Gray( Plant patent4943, released from a private breeding program in Wisconsin operated by Elmer Swenson, is listed as one of the hardiest grapes grown in the upper Midwest.
凯灰色植物专利4943,从威斯康星州的一个私人育种程序中埃尔默斯文森经营获释,被列为在中西部葡萄种植的顽强之一。 shuiguobang

Sarah Coggins thinks it would be better if they moved to the city. Elmer could get a job working in his brother's supermarket, and she could open a bakery.
萨拉考金斯觉得如果他们搬到城里会好点,埃尔默能到他兄弟的超市里工作,她自己则可以开家面包店。 ebigear




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