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词汇 Elliot
释义 El·li·ot eli'ɔt 高Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
And Elliot had a tumor in his frontal lobe.

At the handover ceremony, Carma Elliot, British consul general in Shanghai, expressed gratitude for those constructors involved in the project for their hard work.
英国驻沪总领事暨上海世博会英国馆副总代表艾琳 Carma Elliot女士出席了庆祝活动,她感谢所有参与了英国馆工程的建设者。 hjenglish

The autumnal feel of“ Persuasion”, in which Anne Elliot gets a second chance at love, tends to appeal to older readers;
老气横秋的《劝导》中安妮.埃利奥特得到了第二次爱的机会的故事,让年长读者流连忘返; ecocn

The film Billy Elliot was turned into a musical, Billy Elliot the Musical by Elton John, and has been successful on London's West End.
电影《比利·埃利奥特》被埃尔顿·约翰改编成了歌舞剧《比利·埃利奥特》,并在伦敦西区演出成功。 yeeyan

“ Our findings suggest that the link between red and sex also applies to men,” Elliot said. “ For women, the color made a big difference.”
“我们的发现表明红色和性之间的联系也同样适用于男性”,埃利奥特表示,“但是,对于女性,颜色的影响更大一些”。 yeeyan

“ When women see red it triggers something deep and probably biologically ingrained, ” explains Elliot.
“当女性看到红色,便会出发某些深层次的反应,可能是生物学上所固有的,”埃利奥特解释道。 yeeyan

I swung by on the way back and, boy, oh boy, did Elliot ever find something amazing.
我在回来的路上到那儿绕了一下。老天,看来艾略特真是找到了稀罕东西。 yeeyan

In a prior study, Elliot documented that men are more attracted to women in red.
在之前的研究中,埃利奥特记录了男士会对身着红衣的女人更感兴趣。 yeeyan

Mr. Gibbs would be brought in to work under Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s vice president for global communications, marketing and public policy.
吉布斯先生可能会在“脸谱”负责全球联络、市场和公共策略的副总裁艾略特·施拉格 Elliot Schrage手下工作。 yeeyan

One problem to note is that the NBER dating obscures what I call“ super cycles, ” which should not be confused with Kondratiev or Elliot Wave cycles.
问题之一是,国家经济研究局测定的时间模糊了我所说的超级周期,它不能同康德拉季耶夫周期或艾略特波浪周期相混淆。 yeeyan

Some requests— tea with Britain’s queen, for example— can be a bit difficult, says Mr Elliot.
Elliot先生说,某些要求——比方与英国女王一起喝茶——可能有点难度。 ecocn

The second word is picked“as random as possible because that’s the goal of these operational names, ” says Elliot.
而第二个单词则选择“随机取用系统生成的单词,因为这才是使用系统生成名字的目的”埃利奥特说到。 yeeyan

The strike was the background for the2000 film Billy Elliot.
2000年的电影《比利·埃利奥特》以这场罢工为背景。 yeeyan

The study was headed by L. Elliot Hong, M. D. , an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Maryland.
这项研究是由马里兰大学精神病学副教授 L·埃利奥特·洪的带领下进行的。 yeeyan

The man who helped bring solar power down to earth was Elliot Berman.
帮助将太阳能动力从太空拉回地球的人是艾略特•伯曼 Elliot Berman。 ecocn

Elliot and others have also shown that seeing red in competitive situations, such as IQ tests or sporting events, leads to worse performance.
埃利奥特和其他研究人员也表示,竞争情境下看到红色,如智力测试或是体育竞赛,都会造成更为糟糕的表现。 yeeyan

Elliot Jay Stocks is usually the first name that comes to mind when thinking about signature styles.
有关涉及到个性化的风格时, Elliot Jay Stocks通常是我第一个想到的名字。 yeeyan




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