

单词 elixirs
释义 elixirs 英ɪ'lɪksəz美ɪ'lɪksəz COCA⁸⁸⁸⁷⁸BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
名词 elixir:
a sweet flavored liquid usually containing a small amount of alcohol used in compounding medicines to be taken by mouth in order to mask an unpleasant tastehypothetical substance that the alchemists believed to be capable of changing base metals into golda substance believed to cure all ills He dispatched his opponent with terrifying precision, assaulting his victim's mind and body with elixirs and powders that evoked fires, explosions, and poisonous spirits.
他击杀敌人无比的精准,再使用能够制造火焰、爆炸和剧毒灵魂的药水和药粉来侵袭敌人的思维与肉体。 blog.sina.com.cn

He was a quack dentist on his rounds, who was offering to the public full sets of teeth, opiates, powders and elixirs.
那人是一个兜卖整套牙齿、牙膏、牙粉和药酒的走江湖的牙科医生。 ebigear

It wants to raise taxes on cigarettes, adult beverages, and sugar-sweetened elixirs such as soda pop, fruit juices, iced teas, and sweetened coffee drinks.
它还想对香烟、酒精饮料、像汽水、果汁饮料和冰茶这样的含糖饮料,以及甜味咖啡饮品增税。 focus

I've shared in plates of communal offerings, danced with the priests Hougans and the priestessesMambos, and I've downed my fair share of special religious elixirs with them.
我参加过很多公共捐助,和男祭司 Hougans、女祭司 Mambos们跳舞,我也为他们减少了我应得的一份特殊的宗教的灵丹妙药。 yeeyan

Medieval alchemists hunted in vain for the rejuvenating Philosopher’s Stone; industrial- age quacks got rich off their patent elixirs.
中世纪的炼金术士没有炼成让人年轻的魔法石。工业时期的江湖郎中因为长生不老药的专利而暴富。 ecocn

So when Western drug and cosmetic firms look for new elixirs in rain forests or coral reefs, the poor countries from whence they come enjoy a cut of the action.
所以西方国家制药厂商和化装品公司在雨林或是珊瑚礁里寻找灵丹妙药的时候,那些他们所至的贫穷国家就在遭受创伤。 ecocn




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