

单词 eliminating
释义 e·lim·i·nate 英ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt美ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt COCA⁸⁰²²BNC¹²⁰⁵²Economist⁸³³⁹
vt. 消除,排除

get rid of; remove

vt. 忽略

pay no attention to; leave out of consideration

vt. 淘汰

exclude sb from further stages in a competition, through defeat, etc.

vt. 〈口〉干掉

kill sb ruthlessly

terminate, end, or take out;

Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics

Socialism extinguished these archaic customs

eliminate my debts

do away withkill in large numbers;

the plague wiped out an entire population

dismiss from consideration or a contest;

John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi

This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration

eliminate from the body;

Pass a kidney stone

remove from a contest or race;

The cyclist has eliminated all the competitors in the race

remove an unknown variable from two or more equationsremove,eliminate,dismiss,expel






用作动词 v.
~+名词eliminate all political opposition消除所有的政治对手eliminate the cause of trouble消除祸根eliminate danger消除危险eliminate differences消除分歧eliminate disease消灭疾病eliminate errors消除差错eliminate the four pests除四害eliminate illiteracy扫盲eliminate the old ideas消除旧思想eliminate poverty消除贫困eliminate the superfluous words把多余的词删去eliminate toxin排出毒素eliminate unfavourable factors消除不利因素eliminate waste matter排出废物~+副词eliminate completely完全消灭eliminate finally最终消除〔删去〕eliminate possibly可能消除eliminate secretly秘密杀害eliminate virtually最终排除~+介词eliminate from从…排除; 淘汰eliminate from the body排出体外eliminate from the competition淘汰出局eliminate from the intestine从肠中排除eliminate in the first round在第一轮比赛中淘汰
eliminate from v.+prep.

从…排除 exclude from

eliminate sb/sth from sthCan we ever eliminate poverty from the world?我们有朝一日能消除世上的贫困吗?
She went through the typescript carefully to eliminate all errors from it.她认真地检查了打字稿,排除了所有的错误。
The editor eliminates slang from the essay.编辑将俚语从这篇文章中剔除。
Her misspelling of that word eliminated her from the contest.因为她把那个单词写错了,所以不能参加比赛。
Most of the amateur teams were eliminated from the competition in the first round.大多数的业余队在第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了。
These wastes are finally eliminated from the body in the urine.这些废物最后从尿中排出。近义词 out出of关于throw扔get得到rid摆脱pass通过kill杀死comb梳子expel驱逐purge整肃empty空的eject喷射annul废除egest排泄remove消除reject拒绝murder谋杀rid of摆脱excrete排泄abolish废除urinate小便destroy破坏exclude排除discard丢弃secrete隐藏clear清楚的dispose清除dismiss开除obviate排除wipe out消灭rule out消除eradicate根除liquidate清算throw out扔出carry off带走get rid of摆脱dispose of处理extinguish熄灭annihilate消灭exterminate消灭defecate除去污物decimate毁掉大部分do away with废除,去掉反义词 add加
S+~+ n./pron.You must eliminate an unknown quantity.你必须消去一个未知数。
The architect eliminated the cost of furniture, rugs, and other items, in figuring the cost of the house.建筑师在估计这房屋的费用时没考虑家具,地毯和其他物件。
Bridges over railroad tracks eliminate danger in crossing.铁轨上空的天桥排除了穿行中的危险。
The dictator had eliminated all his political opponents.独裁者干掉了他所有的政敌。
Out of six attempts to eliminate him, three were exposed immediately.欲谋害他的六个人当中三个已被揭发。
Our team were eliminated in the first round.我们队在第一轮中被淘汰。
Ten members of the opposition Party were eliminated secretly.反对党有十名成员被秘密杀害。

eliminate的基本意思是把已经有的或已经存在的东西除掉; 尤指把本是其中一员或部分的人或事物除掉。




用作动词You musteliminatean unknown quantity.你必须消去一个未知数。
Let useliminateall uncertain on thought.让我们从思想上消除一切疑惑。
We musteliminateunnecessary steps and get directly to the point.我们必须忽略不必要的步骤,直接切入主题。
Their team waseliminatedin the first round.他们队在第一轮就被淘汰了。verb.remove, throw out
同义词 cancel,defeat,dispose of,disqualify,eradicate,erase,exclude,get rid of,ignore,knock out,oust,phase out,stamp out,waive,wipe outannihilate,discard,discharge,dismiss,disregard,drop,eject,evict,expel,exterminate,invalidate,kill,liquidate,murder,omit,reject,slay,terminate,wasteblot out,bump off,cast out,count out,cut out,dispense with,do away with,drive out,leave out,put out,rub out,rule out,set aside,shut the door on,take out
反义词 add,aid,allow,create,establish,help,hold,keep,permit,retain,accept,admit,approve,bear,begin,build,employ,engage,give birth,hire,include,initiate,preserve,save,start,take in,welcomechoose,ratify,sanction In its2008 World Development report, the World Bank calculates that agricultural growth is at least twice as effective at eliminating poverty as growth from any other sector.
世界银行在其2008年世界发展报告中估算出,在消除贫困方面,农业发展比起其他经济领域的发展至少有效两倍。 yeeyan

Therefore, odor is prevented, and the body is able to maintain its proper course of eliminating toxins through sweat, as well as controlling body temperature, all without odor.
气味因此被抑制了,人体依然可以通过维持原来的排汗过程来排除毒素,控制体温,完全不受异味烦扰。 yeeyan




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