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词汇 alderaan
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It was then that he took on the charter to Alderaan that resulted in him being inextricably tangled with the Rebellion.
就是在那时,他接了一笔包船去奥德朗的生意,从此跟起义军扯上了千丝万缕的联系。 starwarschina

Once a Senator from Alderaan, she later served as a leader in the Rebel Alliance.

The earliest incarnation of Coruscant appeared in the rough draft scripts of Star Wars, when the Imperial capital world was known as Alderaan.
科洛桑的形象最早出现在《星球大战》的原始草稿剧本中,当时的帝国首都被称为奥德朗。 starwarschina

At his urging, weapons were banned from Alderaan to demonstrate the planet's philosophy of peace and life.
在他的大力推动下,奥德朗颁布了武器禁令,向世人展示了这个星球和平和以人为本的哲学理念。 starwarschina

By necessity they became acknowledged experts in plant hydroponics, and off world corporations like Alderaan Biotics and Tusus Comestibles recruit many of the best and brightest Ensos for this reason.

Desperate for cash, Chewie and Han took on a charter of two passengers and their droids from Tatooine to Alderaan.
由于急需一笔现金,丘仔和汉为两个旅客及其机器人提供了从塔图因到奥德朗的包船。 starwarschina

Desperate for cash, Solo took a charter to the Alderaan system.
由于急需现金还债,索洛接了一个包船到奥德朗星系的生意。 starwarschina

Early in Marvel Comics' Star Wars run, they crafted a story of a young Obi- Wan Kenobi en route to visit Prince Bail Organa at Alderaan.
在早期惊奇漫画的《星球大战》连载故事里,有个故事发生在青年欧比-万·克诺比前往奥德朗拜访贝尔·奥加纳亲王的途中。 starwarsfans

Early in the Galactic Civil War, he was put in charge of covert operations in and around the Alderaan system.
银河内战早期,他在奥德朗星系内外负责秘密行动。 starwarsfans

Fully committed to the Alliance cause, Leia's convictions were by no means swayed by the Alderaan tragedy.
全身投入起义军事业后,莱娅的信念并没有被奥德朗的惨剧所动摇。 starwarsfans

He reclaimed his title as Viceroy and First Chairman of Alderaan.
他重新担任奥德朗第一主席和总督。 starwarschina

Leia had a happy childhood, learning in the best institutes on Alderaan, and studying politics, history and art.
莱娅的童年非常幸福,她在奥德朗最好的学府学习了政治、历史和艺术。 fishyp

Rebel X- wing pilot who flew at the Battle of Endor, she was a top cadet at the Academy, and joined the Alliance after she learned Alderaan was destroyed by the Empire.
这名义军 X翼飞行员参加过恩多战役。她是军校里的王牌学员,得知帝国摧毁了奥德朗后,加入了同盟军。 starwarsfans

Senator Bail Organa was the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, a hero of the Clone Wars, and the head of the Royal Family of Alderaan.
议员贝尔·奥加纳是奥德朗星球的第一主席和总督,克隆人战争的英雄,也是奥德朗王室的首脑。 starwarschina

She became the youngest senator ever in the Imperial Senate, representing Alderaan.
她作为奥德朗星球的代表,成了帝国议会有史以来最年轻的议员。 starwarsfans

She worked closely with Bail Organa of Alderaan to organize fellow Senators who shared similar ideals and outrage.
她与奥德朗的贝尔·奥加纳密切合作,把爱憎观类似的议员同事组织起来。 starwarsfans

Shessaun lived out her early retirement on Alderaan, helping Bail Organa's efforts from deep behind the scenes.

The young girl, Leia, was taken to Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan.
小女孩儿莱娅被奥德朗的贝尔·奥加纳总督带走。 starwarsfans

The brief session was cut short as the Falcon emerged from hyperspace to find Alderaan destroyed by the Death Star.
这次短暂的学习很快就结束了,因为千年隼从超空间跳出来时,发现奥德朗已被死星摧毁。 starwarschina

Though he grew to become a beloved leader on Alderaan, Bail Organa's ascent to that position was not without controversy.
尽管贝尔·奥加纳成为深受奥德朗人民爱戴的领袖,但他当初却是在争议中上任的。 starwarschina

To demonstrate the Death Star's power, he destroyed the planet of Alderaan.
为了展示死星的威力,他摧毁了奥德朗星球。 starwarsfans

When Organa retired from the Senate, he returned to Alderaan.
从议会退休后,贝尔回到奥德朗。 starwarschina

When arriving at Alderaan, they discovered the planet destroyed, and were taken captive by the Imperial Death Star.
到达奥德朗后,他们发现这个行星已被摧毁,而且他们的飞船也被帝国的死星俘获。 starwarschina

When Kenobi's apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, succumbed to the dark side, Organa hid one of Skywalker's twin offspring in the high court of Alderaan.
当克诺比的徒弟阿纳金·天行者向黑暗面屈服后,奥加纳将天行者双胞胎子女中的一个藏匿在奥德朗王宫中。 starwarschina

With his approval, Alderaan loosened its immigration restrictions to allow an influx of refugees displaced by the growing Separatist crisis that preceded the Clone Wars.
克隆人战争爆发前,在他的批准下,奥德朗放宽了对移民的限制,允许因愈演愈烈的分离主义危机而背井离乡的难民入境。 starwarschina

With this weapon, the Death Star reduced Alderaan to rubble.

Years later, Artoo and Threepio would find themselves in the service of the Royal House of Alderaan. The influential family of nobles had secret ties to the burgeoning Rebel Alliance.
数年之后, R2和3PO效力于奥德朗王室,这个很有影响力的贵族家庭与急速发展的义军同盟有着秘密联系。 starwarsfans




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