

单词 alder
释义 al·der 英ˈɔːldə美ˈɔldɚAHDôlʹdər ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA²⁰³⁸⁷BNC²²⁷⁷³iWeb²⁰⁵⁴⁴
wood of any of various alder trees; resistant to underwater rot; used for bridges etcnorth temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rot-resistant来自PIE *el, 树名。Diels-Alder reaction狄尔斯-阿尔德反应,…white alder美国赤杨European alder欧洲桤木black alder赤杨woolly alder aphid赤杨绵蚜alder buckthorn药炭鼠李red alder赤杨alder bark赤杨树皮

用作名词Alder trees belong to the birch family.赤杨属于桦木科。 A few scrubby trees, like red alder, have re-established themselves, and ants, frogs, meadowlarks, beavers and other species have moved in.
一些矮灌木丛,像红桤木很快又长起来了,蚂蚁青蛙草地鸬海狸还有其他一些物种也都迁进来了。 yeeyan

A key focus of such models should be understanding how fish might be affected by global warming, Alder added.
埃尔德补充道,这类模型的重点之一应当是了解全球变暖对鱼类的影响。 ng.trends.com.cn

Here is the beaver. And here is the stream, and the aspen and the alder and the willow.
左边是河狸,右边是溪流、山杨、赤杨和柳树。 myoops

Michael Licosati, a founder of Alder Capital, bought shares in Rino.
阿尔德资金创始人,入了绿诺科技的股份。 yeeyan

Michael Licosati, a founder of Alder Capital, bought shares in Rino. Today, convinced that fraud is rampant in China, he is betting against such stocks.
阿尔德资金创始人,入了绿诺科技的股份。如今他确信在中国诈骗猖獗,而且打赌不再会触及这样的股票。 yeeyan

The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees.
一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。 kuenglish

There he soon died, and it is strange to reflect that he may have regretted his Cage upon Ben Alder.
没多久,他就死在那,想想也奇怪,说不定是他对本·亚尔德山上的“笼子”曾经是依依不舍呢。 kuenglish

“ We might need a shift in mindset to think of fish as a scarce resource rather than a global commons, ” said Alder, who did not take part in the study.
“我们可能需要换一种思路,把鱼类当作一种稀缺资源而不是一种全球常见的物产,”埃尔德说。她没有参加这个研究。 ng.trends.com.cn

Cedar or alder are traditional, but maple is nice too.
雪松或桤木是传统的,但枫是太漂亮。 py168

Dutch judges Ge Gibbons lotus Elm, Switzerland, Otto Alder, are also the judges said, feeling very happy to come to China, China's animation industry is very promising.
荷兰评委戈本·斯菏尔姆、瑞士评委奥托·奥尔德等也都表示,来到中国的感觉非常开心,对中国动漫产业的前景十分看好。 dw188

Exploring the woodlands on a warm summers evening, he spotted this lone caterpillar delicately balanced on the stem of a black alder leaf.
在一个温暖夏天的夜晚他探究森林,发现一条孤零零的毛毛虫微妙的平衡在一个黑色桤木叶的茎上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Groves of stunted red spruce, huckleberry, blueberry, mountain laurel, mountain holly, speckled alder, and cranberry bogs, show combinations of colors throughout the year.

He has also captured pollen from alder, pine and willow.
他还从桤树、松树和柳树上捕捉到了花粉。 yeeyan

He said: “ I was in Alder Hey as a child myself when I was first born and I hope The23 Foundation can help children like people did for me when I was growing up.”
他说道:“我出生在奥德黑儿童医院,我希望23基金能够帮助像以前人们募捐帮助我一直帮助医院的孩子们快乐度过童年。” fans1

In addition to legumes, several genera of non leguminous trees, including alder and ginkgo, possess nitrogen- fixing root nodules at some stages in their life cycle.
除了豆类之外,有一些非豆类植物,如赤杨和银杏,在它们生活史的某些阶段也会出现能固氮的根部根瘤。 shxy.wzu.edu.cn

Jacqueline Alder, coordinator of the Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Branch of the United Nations Environment Program, believes it's overfishing and pollution, complicated by global climate change.
联合国环境署海洋与海岸生态部协调员杰奎琳·亚尔德认为原因在于过度捕捞及海洋污染,而全球气候变化使得一切雪上加霜。 hjenglish

More tall and stately that the alder.
你比桤木还要高挑和端庄。 blog.sina.com.cn

That may sound unlikely, but wet peatland agriculture, known as paludiculture, can produce profitable crops such as reed, alder and moss.
这听起来似乎不太可能,但潮湿泥炭地生态农业,被称为“湿地养殖”,可以种植如芦苇,赤杨和苔藓等经济作物。 ecocn

The Diels- Alder addition of acrolein with vinyl butyl ether is catalyzed by light rare earth chlorides mixture.
报道了混合稀土氯化物催化丙烯酸和乙烯基丁醚环加成反应的动力学行为。 dictall

The genetic responses of13 alder Alnus cremastogyne provenances was evaluated for at5 test locations.
对桤木13个种源在5个测试点进行了生长性状的遗传测定。 cnki

The purplish soils with the different properties and fertility had obvious influence on nodulation and nitrogen fixation of the alder.
具有不同性质和肥力水平的紫色土,明显影响到桤木的结瘤和固氮。 iciba

Therefore, only the four legs and a layer on top are made of American alder; the materials for the other parts cannot be confirmed.
因此,只有四条桌腿和表层是美国桤木;其他的无法知道是由什么材料组成。 bbs.typhoon.gov.cn

Alder Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. uniquely identifies, develops, and manufactures novel antibody therapeutics to alleviate human suffering in the autoimmune and inflammatory disease areas.
桤木生物药业公司唯一识别,开发和制造新型抗体治疗,以减轻人类苦难的自身免疫性和炎症性疾病领域。 biooin

Alder trees belong to the birch family.
赤杨属于桦木科。 websaru

Alder's management team combines decades of industry experience with a proven track record for identifying and developing novel antibody therapeutics.
阿尔德的管理团队结合多年的行业经验,良好的记录,以确定和开发新抗体治疗。 biooin

Alder's technology is designed to reduce development cycles and provide an inexpensive and rapid route through product manufacturing.
阿尔德的技术,旨在减少开发周期,并提供一种廉价和快速通道,通过产品的制造。 biooin




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