

单词 alcoholic
释义 al·co·hol·ic 英ˌælkəˈhɔːlɪk, -ˈhɒlɪk美ˌælkəˈhɔlɪk, -ˈhɑlɪkAHDăl'kə-hôʹlĭk, -hŏlʹĭk ★★☆☆☆高牛八COCA¹¹²⁷⁴BNC¹¹⁵⁷⁷iWeb⁹⁷⁵⁵Economist¹¹⁹⁶⁵

酒精的; 含酒精的

connected with or containing alcohol


caused by drinking alcohol

UC酒精中毒者; 嗜酒如命者; 酒鬼

a person who regularly drinks too much alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking, so that it has become an illness

a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
characteristic of or containing alcohol;

alcoholic drinks

addicted to alcohol;

alcoholic expatriates in Paris

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词alcoholic beverages酒精饮料alcoholic depression酒精抑郁症alcoholic drinks含酒精的饮料alcoholic liquid含酒精的液体alcoholic liquors酒精饮料alcoholic liver disease酒精性肝病alcoholic odour酒精气味alcoholic patient酒精中毒的人alcoholic propensities酒癖alcoholic self-pity酒后自怜alcoholic specimen酒精处理过的标本alcoholic store酒类仓库alcoholic strength酒精浓度
alcohol酒精+ic形容词后缀⇒酒精的。近义词 drunkarddistilled
intoxicatingn. drunk反义词 nonalcoholic不含酒精的
~+ n.Alcoholic drinks are relatively expensive.低度饮料相应地涨价了。
This restaurant does not serve alcoholic beverages.这家餐厅不供应酒品。
This wine has a high alcoholic content.这种酒酒精含量高。
Could I have something non-alcoholic, like orange juice, please?请给我些不含酒精的饮料,譬如橘子汁什么的行吗?
The guests left in an alcoholic haze.客人们醉醺醺地离去了。
S+be+~Most German wines aren't very alcoholic.大多数德国酒的酒精含量不是很高。
Wine is more alcoholic than beer.葡萄酒的酒精含量比啤酒高。用作名词n.He became an alcoholic and lost his job.他变成酒鬼,并且丢了工作。
I drink a lot but I am not actually an alcoholic.我很能喝酒,但我并不真的是酒鬼。
She claims she's not an alcoholic because she doesn't drink alone.她声称自己不是嗜酒如命者,因为她并不一个人独酌。
It was difficult for him to admit that he was analcoholic.很难让他承认自己是酒鬼。


Prohibit the sale ofalcoholicbeverages.禁止出售含酒精的饮料。
Prohibit the sale ofalcoholicbeverages.禁止出售含酒精的饮料。
Perhaps you have analcoholicparallel life.或许你有一个酗酒的平行生命。
She made a decision to divorce heralcoholichusband.她决定和她酗酒的丈夫离婚。用作名词He has degenerated into analcoholic.他堕落成酗酒者。
Have you ever been around analcoholic?你的身边曾经有过酗酒者吗?adj.intoxicating
同义词 fermentedinebriantbrewed,distilled,hard,inebriating,sprituous,vinous
反义词 non-alcoholicnoun.drunk
同义词 substance abuserboozer,dipsomaniac,inebriate,lush,sot,souse,tippler,winobarfly,hard drinker,problem drinker
bibulousadjective drunken
boozernoun drunkard
drinkernoun tippler
drunknoun one who drinks too much
drunk/drunkardnoun person who is inebriated
drunkardnoun one who drinks too much
alcoholic,bacchanal,bacchanalian,barfly,bibber,boozer,carouser,debaucheedipsodipsomaniac,drinker,drunk,inebriate,lush,soak,sot,souse,sponge,stiff,tippler,toper,tosspot,wine-bibber,wino He escapes from his abusive, alcoholic father by faking his own murder and heading off on his own.
为了逃离酗酒和虐待他的父亲,哈克假造自己被谋杀,独自离家出走。 www.voanews.com.cn

The prices of food and non- alcoholic drinks rose by 4.1% in the year to August, the highest for over a year.
截止今年八月,食品和非酒精饮料价格上涨了4.1%, 已经上升到一年多以来的最高水平。 ecocn

Act like a recovering alcoholic, for whom a single drink will start it all over again.
做的像个恢复中的酒鬼,因为一点酒精会让一切重新再来。 yeeyan

Although each family is different, people who grow up with alcoholic parents often feel alone, unloved, depressed, or burdened by the secret life they lead at home.
尽管各家情况不同,生活在有人酗酒的家庭里的人通常会感到孤单,不被疼爱,压抑,或者觉得他们背负的家庭秘密负担过重。 yeeyan

And no association between accepting the label“ alcoholic” and quitting drinking has been found.
而且并未发现接受酗酒者的标签与戒酒有任何联系。 hjenglish

Her husband was an alcoholic; she saw that he wasn't going to do anything for her.
她老公是一个酒鬼,因此她知道他不会为她做任何事情。 yeeyan

His father, an alcoholic, left his family soon after.
他的父亲是一个酒鬼,在此不久后便弃家而走。 yeeyan

His father, Anderson Lucas, was an alcoholic and former railroad employee who had lost his legs in a train accident, and who suffered from Viola’s wrath as often as his son.
他的父亲,安德森·卢卡斯是一个酒鬼,早前是一名铁路工人,在一次火车事故中失掉了一条腿。 这两父子常常会成为维奥拉情绪失控的受害者。 yeeyan

In asking for a light sentence, his lawyer cited a letter written by his sister, recounting their unhappy childhood at the hands of alcoholic parents.
在请求从轻判决的时候,他的律师列举了他姐姐写的一封信,叙述了他们不幸童年时代是由酗酒的父母掌控着。 yeeyan

It is, nevertheless, the oldest known alcoholic drink in the world and is widely enjoyed.
尽管如此,它仍是世界上公认为最古老的含酒精饮料,而且广受喜爱。 hjenglish

Like a recovering alcoholic, he admits this frailty so that he can guard against it.
就像恢复健康的酗酒者,他承认了这一弱点以便自己能防范它。 ecocn

More than half of American adults drink alcoholic beverages, according to background information in the article.
在文章的背景知识中提到,超过半数的美国成年人都在饮用酒精饮料。 yeeyan

Similarly, regularly having more than two alcoholic drinks a day increases the risk of osteoporosis, possibly because alcohol can interfere with the body's ability to absorb calcium.
与其类似的是,每天经常性饮用超过两杯酒精饮料会增加骨质疏松的风险,这可能是因为酒精能干扰身体钙吸收能力。 yeeyan

The same can be said of an adult smoker or alcoholic.
最常见的例子就是成年人中的瘾君子和酒鬼。 yeeyan

The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.

The popular grape-based alcoholic drink is developing as an asset class, and investors have started to trade derivative products in the form of en primeur, a type of wine future.
这种颇受大众欢迎的用葡萄酿制的酒精饮料正在发展成为一种资产;投资商们已开始以期酒的形式来进行衍生产品交易。 ecocn

This is true for the item on noncommunicable diseases, which includes recommendations on the marketing of foods and non- alcoholic beverages to children.
关于非传染病的项目也是如此,其中包括关于向儿童销售食品和非酒精饮料的建议。 who

This can be consumed by motorists in the domestic market or exported for use in alcoholic drinks or other industries.
这可以供给国内市场的汽车司机或出口用来制作含酒精饮料及用在其他工业上。 ecocn

Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.

Your resolution on the marketing of foods and non- alcoholic beverages to children responds to an astonishing statistic.
你们通过的向儿童推销食品和非酒精饮料决议是面对惊人的统计数据做出的反应。 who

Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child.




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