

单词 electric drill
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a rotating power drill powered by an electric motorThis can't be done without aelectric drill.这活不用电钻是不行的。
Drill for drilling wall anchor holes.用于打钻墙壁锚栓孔的电钻。 The switch of the direct current stepless speed regulation is widely used in the electrician switch. The pistol electric drill direct current stepless speed regulation switch belongs to example.
直流无级调速开关在电工开关中有着广泛的应用,手枪电钻的直流无级调速开关便是其中一例。 cnki

And develop a new noncontact controller of the electric drill with synthetical protection.
介绍了微机式高压异步电动机综合保护的原理及其装置的设计方法。 dictall

Besides, we bought a power mortise chisel and an electric drill of the latest model as well.
另外我们还买了一架电动榫凿和一个最新式的电钻。 kuenglish

Directed at the current practice of our mine, the paper introduces the development of the power system of electric drill based on DC- AC.
针对当前我国煤矿电钻电源的使用现状,设计了 DC— AC变换的电钻电源系统。 cnki

Half of American homes own an electric drill, but most people use it once and then forget it.
一半以上的美国家庭拥有电钻,但是大都是用完一次便置之脑后。 ecocn

Instead of a cold chisel, you can use an electric drill on the frozen lock cylinder.
除了錾子之外,你也可以选择使用电钻来钻碎冻住的锁柱。 yeeyan

Noise of electric drill;
电钻噪声; chemyq

Sand paper or a wire brush on an electric drill.
砂纸或钢丝刷对一个电钻。 tech-domain

The tool box contains48 pc tools with both percussion or electric drill for routine maintenance of biogas works. The box is made of aluminum.
本工具箱选用冲击,电钻两用钻,选配适合沼气日常维修的48件工具组合,采用铝合金箱配装。 gcst.zj20.host.35.com

This same result can happen if you use a buffing pad attached to an electric drill.
如果你将抛光盘贴到电钻上,也会有同样的结果发生。 iciba




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