

单词 Alcibiades
释义 Al·ci·bi·a·des 英ˌælsəˈbaɪəˌdiːz美ˌælsəˈbaɪəˌdizAHDăl'sə-bīʹə-dēz' COCA¹²⁷⁵⁷⁵BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
阿尔西比亚德斯²⁰公元前450-公元前404;雅典政治家²⁰;伯罗奔尼撒战争中的将领²⁰; n²⁰.;亚西比德²⁰雅典政治家及将军;在伯罗奔尼撒战争(公元前431-404年中因三易其主而使其卓越的军事生涯毁于一旦)原型alcibiade 的三单
ancient Athenian statesman and general in the Peloponnesian War circa 450-404 BCIn 410 he helpedAlcibiadesdefeat the Peloponnesian navy at Cyzicus.西元前410年,塞拉门尼斯与亚西比德合作在库齐库斯打败了伯罗奔尼撒舰队。
Beijing Asia Limited import and export trade sourcesAlcibiades, Main machinery and equipment industry,兼营other.北京亚源亚西进出口贸易有限公司;主营机械及行业设备;兼营其它.
Belonging to a faction opposing that ofAlcibiades, he had an agenda of his own and a private axe to grind.名为战争,这其实是场维持了三十二年的内乱,起因就是亨利六世生不出儿子,无法让身边的权臣安份,他们私下都已定好继承人选。
Socrates\\' pupilAlcibiadeswas suspected to have been involved, and Socrates indirectly paid for the impiety with his life.苏格拉底的学生阿尔西比亚德斯受到了嫌疑,苏格拉底直接地付出生命作为代价。
Alcibiadesmechanical engineering department in the rotary joint, metal hoses, water-sealing device, such as mechanical design and manufacturing of young companies.亚西机械系从事旋转接头、金属软管、输水器等机械密封装置设计制造的年轻公司。
But this holds not always: for Augustus Caesar, Titus England,Alcibiadesof Athens, Ismael the Sophy of Persia, were all high and great spirit;and yet the most beautiful men of their times.但这也并非绝对,因为奥古斯都-凯撒、费斯帕斯、法兰西的菲利普王、英格兰的爱德华四世、雅典的阿尔西巴底斯、波斯的伊斯梅尔等既是大丈夫,又是美男子。“ Alcibiades is a latter-day Adonis — all flowing golden locks, a fine profile and with androgynously smooth skin, ” Hughes writes.
Alcibiades是一个地道的花花公子。 他有一头金色的卷发、优美的体形和光滑的皮肤。 yeeyan

But this holds not always: for Augustus Caesar, Titus England, Alcibiades of Athens, Ismael the Sophy of Persia, were all high and great spirit; and yet the most beautiful men of their times.
但这也并非绝对,因为奥古斯都-凯撒、费斯帕斯、法兰西的菲利普王、英格兰的爱德华四世、雅典的阿尔西巴底斯、波斯的伊斯梅尔等既是大丈夫,又是美男子。 i21st

Hughes spends less time exploring Socrates’ relationship with Plato than the one he had with Alcibiades.
作家Hughes探讨苏拉底与 Alcibiades所花的时间并不比他与柏拉图所花的时间少。 yeeyan

Sir Harold, I think it was Alcibiades in the Peloponnesian War.
哈罗德爵士,我记得阿尔喀德斯在的伯罗奔尼撒战争中。 engxue




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