

单词 alchemists
释义 alchemists ˈælkimists COCA⁶⁴²⁶⁷BNC⁴⁶⁷¹⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.炼金术士alchemist的名词复数原型alchemist的复数 The success of charlatans, sorcerers, and alchemists— and all those who abuse public credulity— is founded on errors in this type of calculation.
牛皮大王、巫士和炼金术士以及滥用公众信任的所有人的成功都是因为一般人无法正确评估可能性。 ibm

The alchemists also discovered some elements, such as phosphorous.
炼金术士们还发现了磷等其他元素。 yeeyan

And certainly since the days of alchemists and astrologers few themes of thought pursued for practical ends have resulted in so little reward to their students.
当然,炼金师和占星家的研究的那几个问题,在他们的学生那里也没有得到多少成果。 yeeyan

But since not all alchemists really understood what these particular rocks were, other kinds of minerals got tagged with the name as well.
但是并不是所有炼金者都真正明白这种特殊的岩石到底是什么,以及其他的矿石要怎么标记。 yeeyan

But even during its height, critics such as Chaucer characterized alchemists as charlatans, and it was banned by Pope John XXII and King Henry IV.
但即使在它盛极一时之时,乔叟类型的炼金术师被评论为江湖骗子,而炼金术被教皇二十二世和国王亨利四世宣布禁止。 yeeyan

But in the end, too many alchemists would not let go of their theories, even as knowledge advanced.
但是到后来,很多炼金术士即便在知识发展的情况之下,也不愿意放弃自己的错误理论。 yeeyan

For the next five centuries, Dr Principe thinks, alchemists were the “ northern chemists” of Europe.
普林西比博士认为在接下来的几个世纪里,炼金术士便成了欧洲的“北方化学家”。 yeeyan

Four years later, the emperor sent three alchemists to retrieve the herbs. One of them made it back, recounting a tale of a giant fish guarding the islands.
四年后,皇帝又派出三个方士寻找灵草,其中一位去而复返,详细描述了守护岛屿的巨鱼。 yeeyan

He believes that most alchemists were respectable seekers after knowledge and that they were working with well constructedif ultimately misguided theories.
他相信大多数的炼金术士是值得尊敬的求知者。他们熟练运用一切已构建好理论。 yeeyan

Lead has easily outperformed gold over the past two years, which might be some comfort to alchemists staring at pools of molten metal that stubbornly refuse to transmute.
铅在过去的两年间已经轻易地超过了黄金。这对于凝视着池中缓慢融化的金属融水的炼金术师而言,多少是一些安慰。 ecocn.org

Like alchemists, game designers often use a “guess and check” approach when designing games.
设计师以自己的直觉来设计游戏,并让其他人来检验自己的设想。 blog.sina.com.cn

Medieval alchemists hunted in vain for the rejuvenating Philosopher’s Stone; industrial- age quacks got rich off their patent elixirs.
中世纪的炼金术士没有炼成让人年轻的魔法石。工业时期的江湖郎中因为长生不老药的专利而暴富。 ecocn

Medieval alchemists hunted in vain for the rejuvenating Philosopher's Stone;
中世纪的炼金术士没有炼成让人年轻的魔法石。 ecocn

Professor Newman also counters that alchemists of the time were more similar to chemists than wannabe magicians.
教授纽曼也反驳道,那个时代的炼金术士更类似于化学家而非自封的魔法师。 yeeyan

The experiment which Dr Principe reconstructed showed just how alchemists might truly have believed they were thinking the right way about the transmutation of metals.
普林西比博士重现的那个实验,正说明了炼金术士们的确认为金属转化的理念是正确的。 yeeyan

The old alchemists never tired of devising new and expressive synonyms for this water.

There is an unusual number of manuscripts of the early English alchemists in the libraries of Cambridge.
在剑桥图书馆里有关于早期英国炼金术士的相当大数目的手稿。 yeeyan

This is because, as the alchemists found out, it can be all too easy to see in your results what you want to see, rather than what is actually there.
这是因为所有的炼金术士都发现,在结果中发现你想得到的远比发现真正的现象容易。 yeeyan

Time, then, to rehabilitate the alchemists.
而现在时间会为炼金术士们正名。 yeeyan

You follow their journey of being alchemists and their quest to regain that which they have lost.
您按照他们的行程被炼金,并寻求恢复的,他们已经失去。 vcddvd88.com

Alchemists, to borrow a phrase from Winston Churchill, were to be on tap, not on top.
借用温斯顿·丘吉尔的话说,炼金术士当时并非高高在上,但是却发挥着作用。 yeeyan

Alchemists also became expert at spotting cases of fraud.
炼金术士也是辨别污点证人真假的专家。 yeeyan




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