

单词 Eleazer
释义 Eleazer ˈeləzər COCA¹⁰³⁴³⁴
And the children of Israel set out from Beeroth Bene-jaakan for Moserah. There Aaron died, and there he was buried; andEleazerhis son served as priest in his place.以色列人从比罗比尼亚干起行,到了摩西拉。亚伦死在那里,就葬在那里;他儿子以利亚撒接续他供祭司的职分。
With the census and the coming division of the land, five daughters of a man who had died without a son courageously came before Moses,Eleazer, and the elders.在清点人数完毕,即将分地之前,有一个已经去世的人没有留下儿子,他的五个女儿勇敢的来到摩西、以利亚撒和众长老面前。
andEleazerhis son served as priest in his place.他儿子以利亚撒接续他供祭司的职分。
12they brought the captives and the spoils to Moses,Eleazerthe priest, and all the community of the sons of Israel, at the camp in the plains of Moab, near the Jordan River opposite Jericho.把俘掳和所抢所夺之物,带到梅瑟和大司祭厄肋阿匝尔以及以色列子民全会众那里,即带到耶里哥的对面,约但河边,摩阿布旷野中的营盘那里。




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