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词汇 eldest daughter
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But the crowds also came to see Geraldine Chaplin, Charlie’s eldest daughter, who opened proceedings.
观众中也不乏一睹卓老长女风采之人,而杰拉尔丁•卓别林正是该电影节剪彩者。 ecocn

Fred West eventually committed suicide before being brought to face charges of murdering12 people, including his first wife and eldest daughter.
佛莱德·韦斯特最终承认了自己的罪行,后来他在牢内自杀,至死也没有因杀害了第一任妻子和长女而受到审判。 lkong

In a personal sense, I think of my eldest daughter whose birthday is today.
这个世界是什么呢?就个人来讲,我想到我的大女儿,因为今天是她的生日。 hjenglish

She was visited by her vicar and hospice workers and faced the harrowing task of explaining to her eldest daughter'where mummy was going'.
牧师和临终关怀医院的工作人员都上门来了。她又面临一项非常棘手的任务,向大女儿艾比解释自己的即将离去。 yeeyan

The dispute is over Tripp, his infant son by Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol: he claims Palin is preventing him from seeing the child.
争论是关于约翰斯顿与佩林长女布里斯托尔 Bristol尚在襁褓中的儿子特里普 Tripp:约翰斯顿称佩林阻止他见孩子。 yeeyan

What he leaves after his death to his eldest daughter is an old-style watch, the only valuable thing of his belongings.

“ Why so?” asked the eldest daughter of the Melyukovs.
“那是为什么?”梅柳科娃的长女问道。 tingroom

According to Exodus2:21-23, Moses' spouse was Zipporah, the eldest daughter of a Midianite sheik, Reuel also called Jethro in the Old Testament.
根据《出埃及记》2:21-23,摩西的配偶是西坡拉Zipporah,她是米甸酋长鲁埃尔 Reuel在基督教的《旧约全书》中,也称为叶忒罗的长女。 yeeyan

Cleo, enraged, poisoned the eldest daughter’s birthday cake killing the judge’s wife and two children.
克莱奥被激怒了,在大女儿的生日蛋糕里下了毒,杀死了法官的妻子和两个孩子。 yeeyan

Her eldest daughter has a job entering data at a bank. The next one is studying diligently.
她的大女儿在一家银行做打字员,第二个女儿正在勤奋学习。 yeeyan

In1985, he had to miss his elder daughter's wedding as well as that of his second eldest daughter.
在1985年,他也错过了他的大女儿与二女儿的婚礼。 yeeyan

My eldest daughter will tell you that we have been without a morsel of bread for two days, four persons and my spouse ill.
我的大闺女将告诉您:“两天了,我们没有一块面包,四个大人,内人害着病。” ebigear

Only the white haired Doctor, his wife and their eldest daughter were there.
只有满头白发的司各特博士、他的太太还有他们的大女儿在家。 yeeyan

The Obamas opted for a Portuguese water dog because their eldest daughter Malia has allergies and the breed has hair it does not shed.




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