

单词 elder sister
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Does your elder sister at home stay?
你的那个姐姐噻在家不在家? blog.sina.com.cn

That bound volume of Lett's diary has now followed the way of its elder sister, the blue manuscript book, leaving no address behind.
这本装有封皮的的李特式日记,也追随其姊姊---蓝色练习簿---的脚步,散失了,没有留下任何地址。 yeeyan

The elder sister of my husband herds goats seven hours every day in the mountains.
我丈夫的姐姐每天有7个小时在山上放羊。 yeeyan

Abe's elder sister, Fanny was studying history.
艾贝的姐姐范妮正在学习历史。 ebigear

According to the Daily Mail, Beckham's elder sister Lynne Beckham was found to be living on government benefits.
根据每日邮报报道,贝克汉姆的姐姐林恩贝克汉姆现在正依靠政府的救济金为生。 yeeyan

At the conclusion of Tokyo Story she is talking with the younger daughter, who has been upset by her elder sister's behavior at the funeral.
在《东京物语》的片尾,原节子正与妹妹指原节子丈夫的妹妹——译者注交谈;妹妹因为看不惯姐姐此处两人为亲生姊妹——译者注在母亲葬礼上的表现而心情烦躁。 ecocn

He is the boy looked after by his elder sister.
他就是由姐姐看管的那个男孩。 xue360

Her elder sister Princess Beatrice,20, also loves touring and spends just as much as her.
她20岁的姐姐比阿特丽斯公主也同样热爱旅行,一样花费惊人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Ida, Della's elder sister, looked after Della after their mother's death.
自从妈妈去世后,姐姐艾达一直悉心照顾着妹妹黛拉。 ebigear

My elder sister is married, but she doesn’t want to start a family yet.
我姐姐结婚了,但她还不想要孩子。 ebigear

My elder sister is three years older than your eldest brother.
我姊姊比你的大哥大三岁。 ebigear

My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock.
我姐姐送了我一个圆纸包,开始我认为是个足球,但打开后才发现是一个闹钟。 tingvoa

The little boy can overrun his elder sister.
小男孩能比他姐姐跑得快。 hjenglish

This animated show revolves around two bunnies- Ruby is Max's elder sister. It is all very innocent till one realizes that the parents are never around.
这部动画围绕马科斯和他的姐姐卢比的故事来讲述,他们一直都过着天真无忧的生活,直到意识到父母再也不在身边的时候。 yeeyan




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