

单词 a bad cold
释义 a bad cold.
May I ask for a day off? I have caught a bad cold.
我可以请一天假吗?我得了重感冒。 http://mysearch.100e.com

Ms. Rosen is a48-year-old with red hair and a bad cold.
罗森今年48岁,红色头发,正患有重感冒。 voa365

He has a bad cold.
他得了重感冒。 kekenet

He has a bad cold today.
他今天得了重感冒。 http://mysearch.100e.com

He was a premed student, also at Cornell, who incidentally also had a bad cold. I fell in love with Milton the instant I met him.
他也就读康奈儿大学,医学院预科生,顺便提及一下,他也患了重感冒,我与弥尔顿遂一见钟情。 yeeyan

I had a bad cold that why I didn’t come.
我得了重感冒这就是没来的原因。 ebigear

I caught a bad cold yesterday.
昨天我患了重感冒。 http://mysearch.100e.com

I've had a bad cold, and been shut up a week.
我得了重感冒,在屋里关了一个星期了。 kekenet

Mr. White had a bad cold about a week ago, and he is out and about this morning.
怀特先生一星期前患了重感冒,今天早晨能出来走走了。 iciba

Phoebe has a bad cold which makes her singing voice sexy; when she recovers she desperately tries to catch another cold; she even kisses Gunther.
菲比的感冒致使她的声音变得沙哑而性感;康复后,她不顾一切想再得感冒;她甚至亲吻阿甘。 hxen

Pupil on phone: My son has a bad cold and won't be able to come to school today.
学生电话中:我儿子得了重感冒,今天不能来上学了。 yeeyan

She takes a sick leave, because she had a bad cold.
她患了重感冒,所以请了病假。 hjenglish

The only thing worse than a bad cold is a bad cold sore.
唯一比重感冒更坏的就是重感冒溃疮。 kekenet

Tom fell ill with a bad cold.
汤姆因重感冒而病倒了。 iciba

Yeah, he was down with a bad cold a week ago.
是的,一周前他得了重感冒卧床不起。 iciba

You’ll feel numb and heavy sometimes accompanied by a headache and a bad cold, and it gets worse when you try to move.
你会感到麻木和困倦有时还伴有头痛和严重感冒,当你想走动时,症状会更严重。 yeeyan




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