释义 |
Ejina 基本例句 额济纳¹⁰⁰ Black River, located atEjinain Inner Mongolia. Sunrise reddend the sky and water.作品概括:黑河,位于内蒙古额济纳旗。日出映红了天空和水面。 There are 69 species of bird inEjinabelonging to 12 order,25 family and 45 genera. Among them,Aix galericulata,Buteo hemilasius,Ciconia nigra,Cygnus olor,Falco tinnunculus,Grus grus Milvus migrans and Pandion haliaetus are protected by China.观察记录到12目、25科、45属的69种鸟类;其中属国家重点保护的鸟类有8种;即黑鹳、疣鼻天鹅、鸳鸯、鹗、黑鸢、大?、红隼、灰鹤. Present Situation of Oasis Vegetation and Its Protection inEjina额济纳绿洲植被现状与保护 COUNTERMEASURE COMPREHENSIVE RESTORATION OF THE ECO-ENVIRONMENT OF EJINA OASIS额济纳绿洲生态环境综合整治对策 It's Urgently Needed to Rescue and Protect the Ecological Environment inEjinaOasis额济纳绿洲生态抢救和保护刻不容缓 On Drought-resistant and Propagation Mechanism of Natural Forest ofPopulus euphratica Oliver inEjinaBanner额济纳旗天然胡杨林生物学、生态学抗旱机理与繁殖机理研究 |