

释义 EICUCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺
CONCLUSIONS The P. aeruginosa infection and itsantibiotic resistance should be paid more attention in the treatment of the lower respiratory infection patients in EICU.
结论铜绿假单胞菌感染与耐药是 EICU中下呼吸道感染患者治疗中的重要问题,应引起重视。 cnki

Conclusions The hospital infection in EICU is related to abuse of antibiotics and invasive examination. It is important that the aseptic concept and disinfection should be emphasized.
结论 EICU医院感染与抗生素滥用及各种侵袭性操作有关,应严格无菌观念,重视 EICU病房的消毒。 cnki

In China, emergency nurses have been trained in monitoring technique and gradually formed a set of feasible work flow for EICU.
对急诊专科护士进行监护技术培训,逐步形成一整套切实可行的急诊监护室工作流程。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value and cost- effectiveness of troponin T and CK- MB in EICU for patients with acute chest pain.
目的评估肌钙蛋白 T与 CK- M B在急诊监护室对胸痛患者的诊断价值及成本效益。 chemyq

Objective: To describe the disease distribution and nursing significance of the patients in the emergency intensive care unit EICU.
目的:探讨急诊重症监护患者的病种分布及护理学意义。 cnki

OBJECTIVE To investigate the profile of pathogen of infection in emergency intensive care unit EICU.
目的了解急诊重症监护病房 EICU患者医院感染病原学情况。 cnki




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