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ei 基本例句 abbr.情感智商=Emotional Intelligenceabbr.就业保险=employment insurance And our microstate energy is the sum of all the molecular energies Ei. 它是对,所有分子能量的求和。 open.163.com Both EI and SCI cover their source journal articles with acceptable English abstracts. EI和 SCI收录其来源期刊中英文摘要符合要求的论文。 cnki For many centuries, the outlying district where today's Hunan, Hub ei, Chongqing and Guizhou meet has been famous for its multi- ethnic inhabitation. 湘、鄂、渝、黔毗邻地区自古以来就是多民族聚居区,土家族的形成与这一地区的民族变迁有密切关系。 cnki In the majority of patients, highest EI values were computed from signals recorded in mesial structures. 绝大多数患者中,通过信号记录算出最高的致癫指数是位于内侧的病灶。 dxy Pi So as we've written it, we've got Pi of Ei exp is proportional to e to the minus Ei over kT. 就像我们写的一样,我们得到,正比于。 open.163.com |