

单词 eggs
释义 eggs 英egz美egz COCA²⁹⁰³BNC²³¹⁰Economist⁵⁶¹¹
oval reproductive body of a fowl especially a hen used as foodteach one's grandmother to suck eggs教训长辈; 班门弄斧…bring one's eggs to a bad market失败kill the goose that lays the golden eggs杀鸡取蛋the goose that lays the golden eggs摇钱树walk on eggs好自为之, 非常小心…as sure as eggs is eggs毫无疑问as sure as eggs are eggs毫无疑问put all one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷teach one's grand mother to suck eggs教训长辈have all one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷have eggs on the spit手头有事正在忙着…set eggs把蛋放到母鸡体下孵…make an omelet without breaking eggs不破一蛋而炒鸡蛋,…teach one's granny to suck eggs教训长辈bring one's eggs to the wrong market失策
近义词 egg蛋
用作名词I had ham andeggsfor breakfast.早饭我吃了火腿与蛋。
A bird layseggsin the nest it has built.鸟将蛋下在自己所筑的巢里。
Most chickeneggsare not fertile.多数鸡蛋未受精。
The rest of theeggshave gone bad.其余的鸡蛋都变质了。as in.(caviar
同义词 delicacy,relish,roe
caviarnoun fish eggs
delicacy,relish,roe All without eggs or butter.
完全不需要鸡蛋和黄油。 yeeyan

America when will you send your eggs to India?
美国,你什么时候将鸡蛋送往印度? ebigear

Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
打入鸡蛋,一次一个,每次加入鸡蛋后打好。 hjenglish

Cut eggs and put them on meat, add cut carrot, garlic, decorate with sill or coriander. Then pour it with the broth and put in a fridge.
把鸡蛋切开放在肉上面,再加上切好的胡萝卜,大蒜和香菜来装饰一下。然后倒上肉汤把它放进冰箱里保鲜。 yeeyan

Generally, it means not putting all of your eggs in one basket, which is what Warren Buffett does.
一般来说就是不要把你所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,而巴菲特正是这么做的。 yeeyan

Glue all the eggs into the carton.
用胶水把所有鸡蛋粘在纸箱里。 ebigear

He was assaulted with eggs and stones.

If you’re lucky, you get a pastry, a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs, or an English fry-up.
如果幸运的话,你会拿着一份糕点,有煎饼、香肠和鸡蛋的丰盛早餐,或者是一份英式煎火腿。 yeeyan

Next he put eggs in a pan of water on the stove.
接着,他把鸡蛋放进炉子上一个装着水的锅子里。 kekenet

Nothing starts the day off better than a couple of eggs and fatty bacon.
一天的开始没有什么能比得上两个鸡蛋和富含脂肪的培根了。 yeeyan

Obviously, the female likes both kinds of attention, since she chooses to accept both males and fertilizes her eggs with both their sperm.
很显然,雌性乌贼对两种关注都很享受,自从它选择接受两只雄性乌贼共同用它们的精子为它的卵受精开始。 yeeyan

Put all your eggs into one basket and then watch that basket, do not scatter your shot.
把你所有的鸡蛋放到一个篮子里,然后小心的看好你的篮子,不要分散你的注意力。 yeeyan

Raising chickens or other birds for their eggs and meat is a popular family and business activity almost everywhere in the world.
饲养鸡或者其他鸟类,以获得他们的蛋和肉,是一项几乎世界各地流行的家庭和商业活动。 ebigear

She is not a vegan and eats eggs, milk, and cheese.
她不是个纯素食主义者,鸡蛋、牛奶、奶酪她都吃。 yeeyan

Sort these eggs by size.
将这些蛋按大小分好。 ebigear

The problems do not end if crocodiles successfully hatch from the eggs.
即使鳄鱼成功地从卵中孵化出来,这些问题也不会终止。 yeeyan

This wooden thing is for beating the eggs.

Those who ate two or more eggs a day showed a still higher death risk, but only small number of women fell into that category.
那些每天吃两个或多个鸡蛋的人显示了一种更高的死亡风险,但是仅小部分的妇女归入了那个类别。 yeeyan

Those rotten eggs have stunk the place.

Eggs are going down.

Eggs with peppers.
鸡蛋与辣椒。 yeeyan




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