

单词 effeminate
释义 ef·fem·i·nate 英ɪˈfemənɪt美ɪˈfɛmənɪtAHDĭ-fĕmʹə-nĭt ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA⁵¹⁵⁷⁴BNC⁵⁶⁶²⁵iWeb³⁵⁴⁵³

having unsuitable feminine qualitiesef-, 向外。-fem, 女人,词源同female, feminine, 即表露出女人特征的。钱博士ef=ex,出来,变为+femin女性+ate拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作形容词后缀,表示动作完成后的状态→男人变得像女性的⇒女人气的,无男子汉气概的
ef=ex,出来,变为+femin女性-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作形容词后缀,表示动作完成后的状态→男人变得像女性的⇒女人气的,无男子汉气概的。GRE红宝书ef出, femin女-露出女人气-柔弱的
ef 肯定 + femin 女→女人气→柔弱的
ef+femin女+ate→ 露出女人气→柔弱的
GRE难词记忆effeminate → ef强 调+femin=woman 女人+ate→女人气的词根记忆ef + femin女+ ate → 露出女人气 ⇒柔弱的词根记忆ef+femin女人近义词 sissy女孩子feminine女性的emasculate阉割epicene属于两性的sissified女孩子气的…cissy有娘娘腔的男子…sissyishsissy的形容词形式…

用作形容词He has aneffeminatemanner.他的举止像女人。
He spoke in aneffeminatevoice.他讲起话来一副娘娘腔。
His character iseffeminate.他的性格很懦弱。adj.having female qualities
同义词 epicene,feminine,womanish,womanlike,womanly
反义词 manly,masculine
castratedadjective emasculated
epiceneadjective unmasculine
femininesnoun, adjective womanly
femininitiesnoun, adjective womanly
femininity/femininenoun, adjective womanly
mincingadjective affected, pretentious
artificial,dainty,delicate,effeminate,fastidious,finical,finicky,fussy,genteel,insincere,la-di-da,nice,particular,persnickety,precious,sissy,squeamish,stilted,too-too,unnatural All things equal, the higher a voice, the more effeminate a voice sounds, for the obvious reasons.
显而易见,在同等情况下,嗓音越高,声音听起来越阴柔。 yeeyan

And an effeminate man doesn't get to tell you if he is homosexual or heterosexual.

Cao criticized Jia Baoyu as a useless stubborn stone from three aspects: his stubbornness, effeminate appearance and his ill character.
并从“愚顽器质”、“女人形貌”、“病态习性”三方面探讨贾宝玉的性格。 cnki

In other words, the son's effeminate tendencies are more likely to have contributed to the father's critical or aggressive attitude than vice versa.
换句话说,儿子的女子气倾向更可能促使父亲采取批评或侵犯的态度对待他,反之亦然。 yeeyan

Salai, an effeminate young artist who worked with da Vinci for25 years, is thought to have served as a model for several of his paintings.
萨莱,一位为达芬奇工作了25年的女性化的年轻男画家,,被认为是达芬奇几幅画作的模特。 yeeyan

There's nothing effeminate about it — you have to be incredibly fit to dance.
其实芭蕾并不‘女人气’,反而需要健康的体魄才能跳好。 shinewrite

Theres nothing effeminate about it— you have to be incredibly fit to dance. I see some people crawling around, hunched over smoking a cigarette— they should be doing ballet.
其实芭蕾并不‘女人气’,反而需要健康的体魄才能跳好。我看到一些人四处闲逛、弯腰驼背、叼着烟——他们应该考虑去学芭蕾。 ycxyz

Thinking, for example, that gay men look more effeminate than straight men and lesbian women look more masculine than straight women.
比如,男同志比男性直人看起来要阴柔,女同志比女性直人看起来要阳刚。 yeeyan

Will he look much or a bit effeminate?
他应该看起来非常或者有些柔弱还是强壮? blog.sina.com.cn

Homosexuality and effeminate behaviour was believed to be a vice of foreigners.
同性恋、柔弱的行为被认为是一位副的外国人。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

If you believe that homosexuals are effeminate, that gay men are effeminate, then this is going to shape how you see future gay men.

If you see a man who is not effeminate, you might ignore it or say maybe he's not really gay after all.
如果你看到不是娘娘腔的同性恋者,你可能会忽视他,或者认为他不是真的同性恋者。 youdao

If you see an effeminate gay man, you'll probably say, “Ah, more evidence for my theory.”

In places like America and Britain, where knowing how to analyse health- care plans is more important than fighting off infection, effeminate men are just as competitive.
而在诸如美英等国,分析医疗保健计划所需的智力比抵抗传染病的能力更为重要,柔弱的男性则同样受到青睐。 ecocn

It will not effeminate the boy's mind.

Long nails on men are seen as odd or effeminate and people typically interpret nail biting as a sign of anxiety, nervousness or insecurity.
指甲长的男人看起来很奇怪或女人气,人们经常把咬指甲理解为一种紧张,烦恼或不安全的象征。 yeeyan

Since effeminate gay men utilize similar facial expressions as women, they develop female aging and muscle contraction patterns in their face.
由于柔弱型男同志常有女人表情,他们的脸上发展出女性的衰老和肌肉伸缩方式。 yeeyan

Still, there must be some reason why the Christian Church was so powerful, some reason why the effeminate moderns could conquer the strong ancients.
还有,必定存在基督教会变得如此强有力的某种原因,存在柔弱的现代人能够征服强大的古代人的某种原因。 douban

Television programs that routinely pigeonhole Shanghai's men as selfish and effeminate and its women as shrewd and picky serve to reinforce Sheng's claim.
电视节目一成不变地将上海男人说成是自私、娘娘腔,将上海女人说成是精明、挑剔的这进一步印证了沈从民的说法。 yeeyan

That's partly because they assume male friends will be of little help. It may also be due to fears of seeming effeminate or gay.
这部分是因为他们认为男性朋友帮不上什么忙,也有可能是因为他们害怕自己会显得像娘娘腔或同性恋。 koolearn

The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words.
这种变化主要体现为:声调提高、语调更显温柔,并且不是夹杂着各种爱称和幼稚的语言。 blog.sina.com.cn

You mean he is effeminate?




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