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词汇 Alberta
释义 Al·ber·ta 英ælˈbɜːtə美ælˈbɝtəAHDăl-bûrʹtə 高Economist⁶⁸⁹⁷
one of the three prairie provinces in western Canada; rich in oil and natural gas and minerals
用作名词The plains ofAlbertaare extremely fertile.艾伯塔平原极其肥沃。 A little farther down the line on Seymour Street, Erica Harrison from Calgary, Alberta stands in line behind a baby carriage.
排队的队伍穿过了西摩街,来自卡尔加里的埃里卡哈里森在一辆婴儿车后面排队。 hjenglish

And researchers from the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta suggest that computer games can be a great way to explain physics concepts.
另一项来自亚伯达大学计算机科学学院的研究显示,电脑游戏可以很好的解释物理概念。 hjenglish

Ed Stelmach, Alberta’s premier since2006, won72 of the83 seats in the legislature at an election just two years ago.
埃德•史堤玛2006年当了亚伯达的总理之后,已经在两年前搞定了立法机构83个席位中的72个。 ecocn

From his anthropological research among the Blackfoot Indians of Alberta, Canada, he claimed to have found“ almost the same range of personalities as I find in our society”.
他在加拿大艾伯塔省对黑脚印第安人进行人类学研究后,声称在那里发现了和我们社会几乎相同的一组人格。 ecocn

With still no sign of Teri and Kim Jack calls Alberta Green to inform her of the complication in plans and his intention to go back and look for them.
杰克仍然没有看到泰瑞和金姆的踪迹,他打电话给阿尔贝塔.格林,将计划中出现的复杂情况告知她,并提出自己意图折回去寻找她们母女。 yeeyan

Before she sends the photos to his handheld device, she tries to persuade Jack to confess the truth to Alberta Green so that they can send him backup.
在发送图片到杰克的掌上电脑之前,她试图说明杰克向阿尔贝塔.格林坦白事实真相,这样反恐组就能为他派来支援。 yeeyan

But they are welcome in Alberta, where the government posted an unprecedented budget deficit last year.
但是它们在亚伯达受到了欢迎,当地政府去年的财政赤字史无前例。 ecocn

During the tough shoot in Alberta, Canada, Ledger and Williams developed a relationship that was slightly at odds with what they needed to convey on screen.
在加拿大亚伯达的崎岖山间拍摄的艰难旅途中,里基尔和威廉姆斯就他们在银幕上要表达的内容起了一些摩擦。 yeeyan

From mining the oil sands of Alberta to boring under the English Channel, some of the most extreme machines made by man are devoted to digging.
从亚伯达的油沙开采到英吉利海峡的开凿,人类制造的最极端机器大都用在了挖掘上。 yeeyan

Hikers pause to take in the majestic view overlooking Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.

If Americans do not want their oil, then Alberta will build a pipeline to the west coast and sell it to China, they say.
他们说,如果美国人不想要这里生产的石油,艾伯塔省将修建一条通向西海岸的石油管线,将石油销售给中国。 ecocn

It would transport 525, 000 barrels of oil a day from Edmonton, near Alberta’s tar sands, to the Pacific coast, where tankers would deliver them to Asia.
这条管道每天从靠近阿尔伯塔省油砂的埃德蒙顿输送525,000桶石油蒙顿到太平洋沿岸,然后油轮将它们运到亚洲。 ecocn

It is also setting the political agenda in Alberta.
它同时还设定亚伯达的政治日程。 ecocn

Much of the speculation focused on unconfirmed reports and even video of debris from the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite over Alberta, Canada.
猜测多聚焦于未证实的报导,甚至它的碎片视频,视频是被加拿大亚伯特达省上空的上层大气研究卫星拍摄到的。 yeeyan

One population migrates hundreds of miles across the Great Plains from north-central Montana into southern Saskatchewan and Alberta.
一个种群从蒙大纳中北部越过大平原,历经上千公里进入南萨斯喀彻温和亚伯达。 yeeyan

Saying that the rabbits are a nuisance that might also attract dangerous coyotes to their Alberta town, residents are calling on the city government to do something.
居民们说兔子是很讨厌的东西,它们也可能会把危险的狼群引到亚伯达省的镇上。居民呼吁政府采取一些措施。 yeeyan

Since Alberta Green probably suspects that they are already helping Jack, Tony asks Nina whether they should just admit to what’s been going on.
既然阿尔贝塔.格林很可能在怀疑他们俩一直在帮助杰克,托尼问尼娜是否他们应该向她坦白,都发生了些什么事情。 yeeyan

Some ranchers plan to raise the lowest fence strands so pronghorn, like these near Medicine Hat, Alberta, can more easily slip under during their winter migration.
一些牧场主计划提高最低栅栏索,以便在冬季迁徙期间,如亚伯达梅蒂逊哈市附近的这些叉角羚能更容易从下面溜过去。 yeeyan

Spread today by farmers, gardeners and anglers, earthworms are obsessive underground engineers, and they are now remaking swathes of Minnesota, Alberta and Ontario.
现在经由农民、花农和垂钓者的传播,蚯蚓俨然成了地下工程师,它们正在改良明尼苏达州、亚伯达省和安大略湖地区的成片土壤。 yeeyan

The swine flu- prevention measures include bans on imports of pork from Mexico, some U.S. states and Alberta in Canada.
这些措施包括禁止从墨西哥,美国部分地区,加拿大亚伯达进口猪肉。 yeeyan

The new housing developments that surround the city and stretch to the foothills are evidence that Alberta is sucking in people and investment from the rest of Canada.
环绕着这座城市的新建驻宅区一直延伸到山脚下,这显示出艾伯塔省正在吸引加拿大其它地区人口和资金的涌入。 ecocn

WHEN the Progressive Conservatives won power in Alberta, Richard Nixon was still in the White House and Britain had only just abandoned shillings.
当进步保守党在亚伯达赢得政权时,美国的总统还是理查德•尼克松,而英国刚刚停止使用先令这个货币单位。 ecocn

Alberta Green is convinced that Nina and Tony know where Jack is, and she offers them the chance to tell the truth.
阿尔贝塔.格林确信尼娜和托尼知道杰克的所在,她向这俩人提供了一个机会,让他们告诉她真相。 yeeyan

Alberta has yielded many well- preserved dinosaur remains in the past, but paleontologists have never quite been sure why.
在亚伯达省内已发掘出了诸多保存完好的恐龙遗址,但考古学家却并不太能解释其中的奥妙。 yeeyan

Alberta tar sands: Referred to as the most damaging project on the planet.
阿尔伯达焦油砂:被称为地球上最具破坏性的项目。 yeeyan




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