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词汇 Albar
释义 Albar
Our Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed HamidAlbarexplained that the reporter was arrested because her life was threatened.最近又和国民开玩笑了。
Another point to note is that, according to the judge, Home Minister Syed HamidAlbarhad not followed proper procedure when issuing the detention order against Raja Petra.收到这个令人振奋的消息时,我正在国会主持修改大专法令的圆桌会议,学术人员、学生团体、律师公会和国州议员都参与了这个讨论。
AlbarArio?Bayu Tipi?主要演员:Fachry?
The two-year detention order signed by Home Minister Dato Seri Syed HamidAlbarcould be renewed indefinitely and comes at a time when the government’s popularity is sinking fast.再益是个相信法治和坚持自然公正原则的人。他被委为法律部长,是阿都拉决心改革司法制度的一个令人激赏的决定。
In the light of this recent development, I find Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed HamidAlbar’s comments that the ISA will not be reviewed and repealed to be a complete disregard for public opinion.鉴于最近的事态演变,我发现内政部长赛哈密发表有关内安法令不会受到检讨和撤销的评论,完全是漠视舆论。
Powell singing was good,“ said Syed HamidAlbar, Malaysia's foreign minister. ”It was a good break after all this talk on terrorism.“鲍威尔的演唱非常好,”马来西亚外长赛义德·米德·阿尔巴表示 在讨论恐怖主义问题后,能够看到这样的表演是一种很好的休息。




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