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edt. .iː diː 'tiː 基本例句 abbr.〈美=Eastern Daylight Time东部夏季时间🌏淡香水Eau de Toilette;美国东部夏令时间Eastern Daylight Time;美国东部时间 Diller said as NASA?s massive Apollo- era crawler- transporter vehicle began hauling the new rocket to Pad39Bat 1:39 a.m. EDT0539 GMT. 美国东部时间上午1:39格林威治时间0539,美国国家航空航天局使用阿波罗时代的大型履带式运输车开始将新火箭运向第39B发射台。 yeeyan The Commerce Department report is due out at10 a.m. EDT. 美国商务部报告将于上午10点公布。 yeeyan The launch has been rescheduled for 6:51PM EDT tomorrow. 发射被重新安排在了明天的下午6点51分美国东部夏令时间。 yeeyan The shooting, at about12:50 p.m. EDT, led authorities to lock down a wide area around the museum and conduct a sweep inside the building, authorities said. 有关部门表示,枪击事件发生在美东时间下午12:50左右。 随后相关部门封锁了纪念馆周边一大片地区,并对纪念馆进行了彻底的搜查。 iciba The toxicity of solution EDT mainly resulted from ethylene glycol, and related to the concentration of ethylene glycol and equilibration time. EDT玻璃化溶液的毒性来自于乙二醇,并随着乙二醇浓度的增加和平衡时间的延长而增加。 iciba Because it is not thread- safe, all Swing code must be executed in the EDT. 因为它不是线程安全的,所以所有 Swing代码必须在 EDT中执行。 ibm Discovery was poised to blast off at 7:43 p.m. EDT on the space station construction mission, running more than a month late. 美国东部夏季时间晚 7:43,担任太空站建设任务的发现号于平稳升空,虽然比原计划晚了一个多月。 yeeyan Everything happens on the event dispatch thread EDT. 所有活动都在事件分派线程 EDT上进行。 ibm His aides said the flight would land early Friday afternoon2 pm EDT. 卡特的助手说,飞机将在美国东部时间星期五下午2点钟的时候抵达波士顿。 http://www.voa365.com In an application as simple as Gwitter, chances are good that you would never really feel the pain of making the Web services call on the EDT. 在像 Gwitter这样简单的应用程序中,在 EDT上执行 Web服务调用很可能没什么不好的效果。 ibm Swing components must be accessed in the EDT, unless you call methods documented as thread- safe. Swing组件必须在 EDT中进行访问,除非您调用文档化为线程安全的方法。 ibm The flight, one of the last of the US shuttle programme, was rescheduled for16:17 p.m. EDT on2 November from Cape Canaveral in Florida. 本次发射是美国航天飞机项目最后之旅中的一次,被重新安排在美国东部时间11月2日下午16:17于佛罗里达州,卡纳维拉尔角发射。 yeeyan The U.S. Energy Information Administration's report will arrive at11 a.m. EDT1500 GMT on Thursday. 美国能源信息局的报告会于美国东部时间周四早上11点公布。 yeeyan The two methods allow you to perform actions either synchronously or asynchronously on the EDT. 可以使用这两个方法在 EDT上同步或异步地执行操作。 ibm This month, the moon will appear at its largest at 5:27 a.m. EDT on Monday, Sept.12. 在这个月份里,在美国月亮将于东部的夏季时间9月12日星期一上午的05:27呈现最大。 yeeyan This study aims at the principle and method to distill KDM in EDT. 本研究旨在找出可拓检测技术中关键可测物元的提取原理和方法。 iciba The EDT monitor can report EDT access violations while the application is being executed. EDT监视器可以在执行应用程序时报告 EDT访问违规行为。 ibm |