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词汇 edn
释义 edn.
🌏神经毒素eosinophil-derived neurotoxin
AA solves the EDN compatibility problem between the new AEDMS and the old one;
前者解决了新旧系统工程文件编号的兼容问题; dictall

Case studies of the RBTS-BUS2 EDN, IEEE-33- nodes network and a527 nodes system are analyzed, and the results show that the proposed algorithm has the validity and high efficiency.
对 RBTS母线2、 IEEE33节点配电网和一527节点实际配电网等算例进行可靠性评估和分析,验证了以上各算法的正确性和有效性。 fabiao

Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network EDN is the primary organization that works with over22,000 partners in192 countries to broaden the environmental movement.

“ Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”, Collier Macmillan, London,1985;2nd edn, Free Press, New York and London,1998
“竞争优势:创造并保持卓越绩效”科利尔-麦克米伦出版社,伦敦,1985年;自由出版社,纽约和伦敦,1998年,第二版 ecocn

“ Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors”, Free Press, New York,1980;2nd edn, Free Press, New York and London,1998
“竞争策略:产业及竞争对手分析方法”自由出版社,纽约,1980年,第二版;自由出版社,纽约和伦敦,1998年 ecocn

“ Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind”, Profile Books, London,1994;2nd edn, McGraw- Hill, New York,2005
《文化与组织:心理软件的力量》,伦敦 Profile Books出版社1994年出版;纽约希尔教育 McGraw- Hill2005年再版。 ecocn

“ Strategy, Structure and Economic Performance”, Harvard Business School Press,1974; revised edn,1986
《战略,结构和经济状况》,哈佛商学院出版社,1974年;修订版,1986年。 ecocn

“ Strategy and the Business Landscape”, Addison Wesley Longman,1999;2nd edn, Pearson Prentice Hall,2006
《战略与商界总览》,朗文出版社,1999;第二版,普伦蒂斯霍尔出版社,2006 ecocn

“ The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation”, Currency/Doubleday, New York,1990;2nd revised edn, Random House Business Books,2006
《第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实践》,初版/道布尔迪出版社,纽约,1990;第二次修订,兰登书屋商务书籍出版社,2006 ecocn

“Out of the Crisis: Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position”, Cambridge University Press,1986;2nd edn, MIT Press,2000
《转危为安:质量、生产率和竞争地位》,牛津大学出版社,1986年,修订本2000年出版,麻省理工学院出版社。 ecocn

“The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilisation”, Macmillan, London,1933; 2nd edn, Harvard University Press,1946
1933年《工业文明的人类问题》,伦敦麦克米伦出版社;1946年哈佛大学出版社再版 ecocn

“The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilisation”, Routledge and Kegan Paul,1949; later edn with appendix,1975
1949年《工业文明的社会问题》伦敦劳特里奇出版社;1975年再版包括附录 ecocn

As oxidation and corrosion is unavoidable during EDN treatment, the maximum discharge capacity decreases slightly for CeMg12 composite with EDN treatment.

How did the “ Edn Project” start?
如何做“ Edn项目”开始? artintern

Life is hanging in the twigs of the silent on edn thou shalt, waiting for us to find heart.
正挂在生活的细枝尾梢上,静悄悄的等着我们用心去发现。 csnihao

Objective To investigate the mutations of EDNRB gene and EDN3 gene in sporadic Hirschsprung s disease HD in Chinese population.
目的检测中国散发先天性巨结肠症是否有 EDNRB基因和 EDN3基因突变,以探讨 EDNRB及 EDN3与 HD发生的关系。 chemyq

Objective It is to observe the therapeutic effect of Xiaoke Baoshen DecoctionXBD combined with Benazepril on early diabetic nephropathy EDN.
目的观察中药消渴保肾汤与贝那普利联合治疗早期糖尿病肾病的疗效。 dictall

Please complete form and deliver it to EDN sales representative in your area!
请您完整填写表格,完成后提交给您所在区域的 EDN销售代表,谢谢! ednchina

With Cyert, R., “A Behavioural Theory of the Firm”, Prentice Hall1963; 2nd edn, Blackwell Business,1992
与理查德•希尔特合著“公司行为理论”,普伦蒂斯霍尔,1963年;布莱克威尔商业,1992年第二版 ecocn

You used to go there, us edn't you?
你过去经常到那里去,不是吗? dangzhi




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