

单词 Alawi
释义 Alawi 'æləwi COCA²⁰⁰¹⁶³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
On October11,2003, Assistant Foreign Minister Shen Guofang met with visiting Iraqi Trade Minister Ali Alawi.
2003年10月10日,外交部部长助理沈国放会见来访的伊拉克临时管理委员会贸易部长阿里·阿拉维。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The notion that the regime relies on or is controlled by an inner core of Alawi security barons is misleading.
有人认为叙利亚政权依靠或是被阿拉维派核心的秘密贵族控制,这个观点使人误解。 bbs.internet.org.cn

Besides supporting the Alawi community as a sister Twelver Shi'a community, neither Iran nor Hezbollah would like to see a regime change in Syria, which could heighten their vulnerabilities.
此外还支持阿拉维成为十二人什叶派的姐妹社区,不论是伊朗还是真主党都不希望看到叙利亚政权的更换,那样他们会变得更脆弱。 bbs.internet.org.cn

It was none other than Bashar's grandfather who petitioned France for an Alawi state during its mandate over Syria.
那不是别人,正是巴沙尔的祖父,在他统治叙利亚期间向法兰西请求成立阿拉维国家。 bbs.internet.org.cn

Locals warn visitors not to walk through Alawi areas where, they say, roaming gangs armed by the government commit acts of violence.
当地居民警告观光者不要在阿拉维区域走动,他们说那里有政府支持的帮派分子到处进行暴力犯罪。 ecocn

Significantly, one should not discount the reemergence of an Alawi irredentist impulse if the country descends into sectarian strife.
值得关注的是这个国家如果进入宗派主义战争,谁都不能忽视再度出现的阿拉维民族主义统一者的推动力。 bbs.mytimes.net.cn

Alawi spoke highly of the traditional friendship between the peoples of Iraq and China and thanked China for its great amount of selfless assistance and support to Iraq in the past years.
阿拉维盛赞伊中两国人民的传统友谊,感谢中国长期以来向伊拉克提供的大量无私援助和支持。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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