

单词 edicts
释义 edicts ˈi:ˌdɪkts COCA⁴⁵⁸⁴¹BNC⁴⁴⁴⁰²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
n.法令;敕令;告示edict的名词复数原型edict的复数 The surviving examples concern mistakes made by officials responsible for the copying and transmission of edicts. In A.
现存的例子是关于负责螣抄、发送皇令的官员的过失。 tianya

As a minister, Qalamuddin also issued his own edicts, including a ban on women wearing makeup or high heels.
默罕默德作为部长,也下了诏书,其包括禁止妇女化妆或是穿高跟鞋。 yeeyan

For me there was only child time, divided arbitrarily and quite painfully by the edicts of the grownups into Bedtime, Wakeup Time, and Schooltime.
当时在我看来,世间的时间是专为孩子们安排的,成年人武断地、令人痛苦地命令把时间划分为睡觉时间、起床时间和上学时间。 cyol

He hid the secret imperial edicts in the box, and took them out of the palace.
他将密诏藏在箱子里面,偷偷带出了皇宫。 nciku

In 1901, the Qing government promulgated the important edicts to carry out the New Policies , which involve such realm as economy, military, culture and education.
1901年晚清政府颁布诏令推行新政,新政内容涉及经济、军事、文化教育等各个领域。 cnki

It was usually endowed through imperial edicts and ceremonies to appoint officials for the involvement of the government affairs.
当时国家一般通过诏令和委任官员参与国家重要活动的方式来授节。 lsfyw

Mr Zardari feared that Mr Chaudhry, an unpredictable judge, would undo all Mr Musharraf’s edicts— including an amnesty that he had received from corruption charges.
扎尔达里害怕那位让人捉摸不透的法官乔杜里,因为他可能会推翻穆沙拉夫的所有赦令,这其中包括不追回他曾经的腐败收入。 yeeyan

One bank officer was immune from those edicts. He did not need his job at the bank because he was an heir in a very wealthy family.
可是,有一位银行职员却例外,因为他是一个富裕家族的继承人,根本不希罕这份银行工作。 chinesetodays

So let us examine the two main themes of the Vatican’s edicts: homosexuality, it maintains, is both immoral and unnatural.
让我们来研究一下梵蒂冈指喻的两大主题:天主教坚称,同性恋是不道德,而且不自然的。 yeeyan

The president also urged nations to let markets, not government edicts, determine the value of their currencies.
奥巴马总统还敦促各国让市场决定货币汇率,而不是靠政府法令。 voa365

The point now is that a series of command- economy edicts has flipped this pattern around.

This agency will issue edictsorders or commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit.

Virtually everyone has a stake in keeping the game going and turning a blind eye to edicts from Beijing.
让游戏继续进行下去,对中国政府的法令视而不见,几乎与每个人都利害攸关。 robertafnani.com

We see our roles as being mentors to you, and as overseers of the edicts entrusted to us by Heaven.
我们看到了我们作为你们导师的角色,同时也作为天堂委托给我们的成为条令执行的监督者的角色。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yet the federal government and the states are forever grappling with its edicts.
而联邦政府以及各州永远都在法令中角力。 ecocn




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