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词汇 Edge cases
释义 Edge cases
Typically,edge casesmust be designed and programmed for, but they should never be the design focus.通常在设计和编程序时,我们必须考虑边缘情况,但它们又不应该成为设计的关注点。
You are responsible for syntax checking, path validation, and handling malformed input, as well asedge casesfor well-formed input.您需要检查语法,验证路径,处理格式错误的输入,并处理格式良好的输入内容的边界情况。
Programmers focus onedge casesbecause they often represent sources of system instability and bugs, and typically require significant attention and effort.程序员关注在边缘情形上,这些情形中经常出现系统不稳定或者漏洞,通常需要特别地关注和投入。
“A simple implementation is likely to lack logic foredge cases, such as resource exhaustion, or failure to close a race window, or a timeout during an uncompleted transaction”.“简单的实现往往对边缘情况有欠考虑;比如资源耗竭;无法关闭竞争窗口以及在未完成事务中超时等等.;”
They may be useful in identifyingedge casesand for determining that a product is functionally complete, but they should be deployed only in the later stages of design validation.用例可能在确定边缘情况,以及确定产品在功能上是否完整方面非常有用,但它们只适合在设计验证的后期采用。




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