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词汇 Alassane
释义 AlassaneBNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
He met the incumbent Laurent Gbagbo at the presidential palace before leaving for talks with Mr Gbagbo's rival, Alassane Ouattara, at the hotel where he's being protected by United Nations troops.
在前往饭店会见巴博的对手阿拉萨内瓦塔拉之前,姆贝基在总统府会见了现任总统巴博。阿拉萨内瓦塔拉现在被联合国部队保护。 tingclass

Mr. Obasanjo has met with both incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo and former prime minister Alassane Ouattara, who Ivory Coast's electoral commission certified as the winner of November's vote.

The attack took place in the Abobo neighborhood, where most residents back Mr. Gbagbo's rival for the presidency, Alassane Ouattara.
袭击事件发生在阿博博社区。这里的大多数居民支持巴博的对手瓦塔拉出任总统。 hxen

Abidjan is the scene of a bitter fight between Mr Gbagbo's forces and militia loyal to Alassane Ouattara, the man internationally recognized as president of Ivory Coast.
阿比让到处是巴博军队和忠于瓦塔拉的义勇军之间进行激烈战斗的景象。 瓦塔拉是国际社会认可的科特迪瓦总统。 tingvoa

ECOWAS has threatened to remove Mr. Gbagbo by force if he does not cede power to rival Alassane Ouattara.
西非国家经济共同体威胁要通过武力将巴博赶下台,如果他不把权力交给他的对手瓦塔拉。 voa365

Forces loyal to the internationally recognised President of Ivory Coast, Alassane Ouattara, are surrounding the main city Abidjan, where Laurent Gbagbo is refusing to give up power.
忠于国际社会公认的科特迪瓦总统瓦塔拉的力量包围了主要城市阿比让,而巴博则拒绝出让权力。 tingvoa

Forces loyal to the internationally recognised President of Ivory Coast, Alassane Ouattara, have been attacking areas of the main city Abidjan.
忠于国际社会认可的科特迪瓦总统瓦塔拉 Alassane Ouattara的力量正在袭击主要城市阿比让的部分地区。 voanews

General Philippe Mangou called for the cease-fire on Tuesday, as forces loyal to internationally- recognized president Alassane Ouattara attacked Mr. Gbagbo's last few strongholds.
曼戈将军星期二呼吁停火。忠于国际承认的瓦塔拉总统的军队袭击了巴博的最后几个为数不多的据点。 hxen

In Ivory Coast, the UN is guarding the internationally recognized President Alassane Ouattara because his rival refuses to cede power after contentious elections.
在科特迪瓦,联合国正在护卫国际公认的总统阿拉萨内瓦塔拉,因为他的对手在有争议的总统选举后不肯放弃权利。 tingclass

It’s been guarding Mr Gbagbo’s rival, Alassane Ouattara, after declaring him the winner of disputed presidential elections in December.
他们一直在保护在12月份的总统选举中宣布获胜瓦塔拉。 hxen

Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara has been inaugurated in a ceremony that marked the country's return to constitutional order after a decade of unrest and conflict.
科特迪瓦总统瓦塔拉在典礼中宣誓就职,这标志着该国在经历了十年动荡的局势和冲突后终于回到了宪法秩序下。 tingclass

Last month, the regional central bank cut his government off from the state treasury in favour of Alassane Ouattara, the man who the international community says won November's poll.
上个月,该地区央行为支持瓦塔拉切断了巴博的国库。瓦塔拉是国际公认的在十一月份的选举中的当选总统。 tingclass

Mr Gbagbo's spokesman says generals who had been fighting on his behalf have now sworn allegiance to the internationally recognised President Alassane Ouattara.
巴博先生的发言人表示,曾代表自己的利益战斗的巴博现在发誓效忠于国际公认的总统阿拉萨内瓦塔拉。 tingclass

Pressure mounted on Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d’Ivoire to admit defeat in an election run- off held in late November and cede the presidency to his rival, Alassane Ouattara.
被施压的洛朗科特迪瓦巴博承认在去年十一月举行的选举中失败,并向其对手阿拉萨内瓦塔拉交出总统权力。 ecocn

Some have been cooped up here with Alassane Ouattara for the past four months and now are waiting to go back to their towns and villages, as soon as it is safe.
在曾经的几个月中,总理阿拉萨纳•瓦塔拉和他的下属们在这个地方共同为政,而如今,部分成员正等待着可以尽快安全地回到各自生活的村镇中去。 ecocn

The UN is among several international organisations that say Laurent Gbagbo's rival Alassane Ouattara won the recent election.
包括联合国在内的几个国际组织表示巴博的对手瓦塔拉是象牙海岸的当选总统。 tingclass

The announcement welcomed Alassane Ouattara's victory in a power struggle against his rival Laurent Gbagbo, which lasted more than four months.
该宣布对瓦塔拉在跟对手巴博持续了四个多月的权力争夺中获得胜利表示欢迎。 hxen

They will also meet with Mr. Gbagbo's rival, Alassane Ouattara.
他们还将会见巴博的对手瓦塔拉。 dutianya




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