

单词 Alaska Range
释义 Alaska Range短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺

a mountain range in south central Alaska; contains Mount McKinleyTheAlaska Rangestretches from Canada Yukon border in the east to the base of the Aleutian Range in the west.阿拉斯加山脉东起加拿大的育空边境,向西一直延伸到阿留申山脉。
TheAlaska Range, pictured above, stretches from Canada's Yukon border in the east to the base of the Aleutian Range in the west.那阿拉斯加山脉,照片上面的,延伸从加拿大的育空地区边界在东部基地的阿留申山脉在西部地区。
TheAlaska Range, pictured above, stretches from Canada\\'s Yukon border in the east to the base of the Aleutian Range in the west.那阿拉斯加山脉,照片上面的,延伸从加拿大的育空地区边界在东部基地的阿留申山脉在西部地区。
It rises almost directly above the standard base camp for Mount McKinley, on a fork of the Kahiltna Glacier also near Mount Hunter in theAlaska Range.闻名全球的富士山是日本重要的象征之一,其在古代文献中亦被称为 不二 、 不尽 或是 富慈 ,也经常被称作芙蓉峰 或 富岳 。自古以来,这座山的名字就经常在日本的传统诗歌“和歌”中出现。
Grueling terrain and steep mountain passes were no deterrent for a trio of cyclists that embarked on a seven-week journey across theAlaska Range.再复杂的地势,再峻峭的高山,都不能阻止这自行车三人组花上7星期去完成穿越阿拉斯加山脉的旅程。




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