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词汇 Alaskan
释义 A·las·kan ә'læskәn 高iWeb¹⁵⁸²⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺iWeb¹⁵⁸²⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

a native or resident of Alaska
relating to or characteristic of the state or people of Alaska
用作形容词Sherlund is grubbing for gold deep in theAlaskanwilderness.而对于舍伦德先生来说,他的乐趣就是在阿拉斯加的荒野中开采黄金。
A wildlife photographer who paid a pilot to drop him off in theAlaskanwilderness to photograph the nature's beauty.一名野生生物摄影师付钱给一名飞行员送他到阿拉斯加的荒野地带拍摄那里的大自然之美。 By the same token, he says, none of BP's partners in the Alaskan pipeline complained that it was spending too little on maintenance.
同样的, BP在阿拉斯加管道的合作伙伴没有一家抱怨过用于维护上的开支太少。 ecocn

In the meantime, GMD will use existingradars located on the California coastline and the Alaskan AleutianIslands.
与此同时 GMD也将会充分调用位于加州和阿拉斯加海岸及岛屿上的现有雷达。 yeeyan

Mother and baby live near the airport, while their protuberantly lipped kin mooch about on the cycling and hiking trails by which the encircling Alaskan wilderness infiltrates and permeates the city.
这两头母子麋鹿住在机场附近,它们长嘴的同类在阿拉斯加原野上无处不在的骑车道和步道上到处行走。 yeeyan

The pre-eminent symbol of poor earthquake preparedness in the region is Seattleâ s Alaskan Way Viaduct.
该地区对抗震最弱的环节是西雅图至阿拉斯加的高架桥。 ecocn

There was a cluster of extremely large earthquakes from1946 to1964, a period that ended with the9.2 magnitude Alaskan earthquake, the second largest since1900.
从1946年到1964年发生了一系列剧烈地震,9.2级的阿拉斯加地震标志着这一时期的结束,那是1900年以来第二强烈的地震。 yeeyan

WHAT do the Beatles, Harry Potter, Bella magazine and the grizzled crew of the Northwestern, an Alaskan crab-fishing boat, have in common?
披头士,哈里•波特,贝拉时尚女性杂志,还有阿拉斯加捕蟹船上满头白发的船员,它们之间有共通之处? ecocn

A wildlife photographer who paid a pilot to drop him off in the Alaskan wilderness to photograph the nature's beauty.
一名野生生物摄影师付钱给一名飞行员送他到阿拉斯加的荒野地带拍摄那里的大自然之美。 yeeyan

But Alaskan king crab— crab that actually hails from the great state of Alaska— is a completely separate animal and is much more responsibly harvested than the imported stuff.
可阿拉斯加帝王蟹指的是实际上来自广袤的阿拉斯加州的蟹类,是另外一种不相干的动物,捕捞它也比捕捞进口货的态度负责任得多。 yeeyan

Few of these respondents would be willing to hand over their pensions for a more efficient cleanup of the Alaskan shoreline.
这些受访者当中很少有人会愿意拿出他们的养老金用在提高阿拉斯加海岸线清理工作的效率上。 ebigear

For example, courts in the continental United States have been hearing disputes between oil firms and environmental groups about drilling in Alaskan waters.
比如,美国的法庭就曾经召开听证会解决石油公司和环境保护组织关于在阿拉斯加水域钻井的争议。 ecocn

I was dressed as a disco ball and he as an Alaskan snowshoer.
那时,我扮成一个迪斯科球而他扮成一个阿拉斯加雪地鞋匠。 yeeyan

Moments later it reappeared and taxied up to the cruise ship, no doubt letting off a new group of guests for an Alaskan adventure.
过了一会飞机又出现了,在水面上朝巡航船滑行,无疑是让一批参加阿拉斯加探险的新游客下来。 yeeyan

People referred to him as“ Uncle Ted”, talked about “ Stevens money” and voted him“ Alaskan of the century”.
人们都叫他作“泰德叔叔”,都在谈论“斯蒂文斯金钱”,并且投票封他为“世纪阿拉斯加人”。 ecocn

She obtained an American passport only last summer to visit Alaskan troops in Germany and Kuwait.
直到去年夏天她才得到护照去访问驻德国和科威特的阿拉斯加美军。 ecocn

Shell Oil, frustrated last year by lawsuits filed by environmentalists and Alaskan natives, is eager to start exploiting its leases in the Beaufort Sea.
壳牌石油公司去年在由环境保护主义者和阿拉斯加本地人提起的诉讼中被击败,它渴望着开始利用其在波弗特海的租约。 ecocn

The spill is awkward for the president too. In March, Barack Obama surprisingly proposed opening new stretches of America’s Atlantic, Gulf, and Alaskan coasts to offshore drilling.

The taxi dropped them off at the harbor in front of the Alaskan Princess.
计程车在“阿拉斯加公主”号的港口前让他们下车。 hjenglish

The ghostly stems glowing in the Alaskan Tanana River Valley spring from the same dense network of roots and have identical DNA, making them part of a clonal colony.
这些在阿拉斯加的塔那那河谷里闪耀着的树干发源自同样密度的成网络的树根,它们拥有同样的 DNA,形成了一个无性繁殖群体。 yeeyan

The fatality rate among Alaskan crab fishers is about80 times that of your average worker.
阿拉斯加捕蟹渔民的死亡率是普通工作者的80倍。 kekenet

Unlike the bluefin, the Alaskan pollock is among the most intensively managed fisheries in the world—it is run by America's National Marine Fisheries Service.
与金枪鱼不同,阿拉斯加鳕鱼场是世界上监管最严密的渔场之一,由美国国家海洋渔业服务部负责管理。 ecocn

You couldn't blame people for catching a bus when the Alaskan highway appeared half a century ago.
所以到了半个世纪以前,阿拉斯加公路出现的时候,人们改为搭乘公共汽车是理所当然的。 yeeyan




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