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词汇 Edberg
释义 Edberg
n.埃德伯格在加拿大;西经 112º46' 北纬 52º48'
His Idols growing up were Boris Becker, Pete Sampras and StefanEdberg.就像埃德博格一样,他也在青少年比赛中表现出色,并在1998年获得排名第一。
Just likeEdberghe compiled outstanding Junior results and finished as the number one in the world in 1998.罗格是四位既获得青年组和成年组稳网冠军的选手之一其他有埃德博格,博格,卡什。
StefanEdberg's wispy hair and calm personality reflected his graceful and precise tennis.斯特凡.;埃德博格那纤纤细发和平静的性格正是他优雅而精确的球风的体现。
John McEnroe and StefanEdberghad theirrazor-sharpconcentration disturbed in the 1989 semi-final by two sparrows swooping in low.1989年,约翰·麦肯罗和史蒂芬·埃德博格正全神贯注的打半决赛时,被两只突然入侵的麻雀打断。
John McEnroe and StefanEdberghad their razor-sharp concentration disturbed in the 1989 semi-final by two sparrows swooping in low.1989年,约翰?麦肯罗和史蒂芬?埃德博格正全神贯注的打半决赛时,被两只突然入侵的麻雀打断。
StefanEdberg, one of the game's greatest volleyers, used to say that 90 percent of his net play was done with his feet, not his racquet.最伟大的截击手之一埃德博格曾说,有90%的截击球他都是用步法打出来的,而不用球拍打出来的。




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