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ectropion spasmodicum 基本例句 医痉挛性睑外翻 This condition is called ectropion or ectopy, which is visible as a strikingly reddish-looking ectocervix on visual inspection.这些变化使宫颈管下段的柱状上皮外翻到宫颈阴道部,这种情况称外翻或导位,肉眼可见宫颈明显发红,有时用词不当,称为糜烂或溃疡。 With this flap, the ectropion can be repaired as an anit in one stage besides the recovery of the eyelid.Cicatricial ectropion can be repaired by this flap well.术后不仅使眼睑形态结构恢复,正常功能恢复,而且具有良好的美学效果,是瘢痕性睑外翻最佳修复方法。 |