

单词 ecosystem
释义 ec·o·sys·tem 英ˈekəʊˌsɪstəm, ˈiːkəʊ-美ˈɛkoˌsɪstəm, ˈiko-AHDĕkʹō-sĭs'təm, ēʹkō- ★☆☆☆☆初高六GIST四八COCA⁵³⁷⁰BNC²⁴²⁰⁹iWeb⁴⁹⁷⁵Economist⁷¹⁶⁵

a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environmenteco-, 家,生态。system, 系统。freshwater ecosystem淡水生态系artificial ecosystem人工生态系统…terrestrial ecosystem陆地生态系agricultural ecosystem农业生态系统…marine ecosystem海洋生态系forest ecosystem森林生态系统…anaerobic ecosystem厌氧生态系统…microbial ecosystem微生物生态系统…watershed ecosystem流域生态系统…aquatic ecosystem水生生态系统…subtropical ecosystem亚热带生态系统…natural ecosystem自然生态系soil ecosystem土壤生态系统…protective ecosystem保护性生态系统…tropical ecosystem热带生态系统…total ecosystem全生态系tundra ecosystem冻土带生态系统…ecosystem dynamics生态系动力学…temperate ecosystem温带生态系统…
非常记忆eco生态〖词缀〗+system系统〖熟词〗⇒生态系统快失去平衡了词根记忆eco家庭的+system系统→有关家庭的系统→生态系统eco+system系统⇒生态系统近义词 biota生物群biome生物群系ecology生态学environment环境

用作名词Water is the core of a healthyecosystem.水是维持生态系统良性循环的根本。
Research Review on Wetland Ecosystem Health.湿地生态系统健康研究进展。noun.environment
同义词 environsecological community
biomenoun large plant and animal community
biosphereconiferous forest deciduous forestdesert,ecosphere,environment,grassland,habitat,tropical rain forest,tundra
complexnoun composite, aggregate
complexesnoun composite, aggregate
environmentnoun earth's system of natural resources
environmentsnoun earth's system of natural resources
ambiance,auras,backdrops,backgrounds,circumstances,climates,conditions,contexts,domains,elements,encompassments,entourages,habitats,hoods,jungles,locales,media,milieus,neck of the woods,neighborhoods,purlieuses,sceneries,scenes,settings,situations,statuses,stomping grounds,surroundings,terrains,territories,turfs,zoos A farm is not a just a clever crop: it is an ecosystem managed with intelligence.
农场并不仅仅意味一种改良的作物,而是用智慧管理的生态系统。 ecocn

And with my photography I want people to understand that if we lose ice, we stand to lose an entire ecosystem.
通过我的照片我想让人们明白,如果我们失去了海冰,我们就会失去下整个生态系统。 yeeyan

It is a truism in an economic ecosystem that the cost equation for some players translates into an identical revenue consideration for another player.
在经济学生态系统中的一条真理就是,某些参与者的成本方式被转换成另一参与者相同的收入报酬。 infoq

The value of the mangrove ecosystem and its pollution problems.
红树林生态系统的价值及其污染问题。 fao

With just a little extra effort, they could be part of the journalistic ecosystem too, in ways that go far beyond their traditional roles.
只是一点点额外的努力,他也能成为新闻生态系统的一部分。从这个角度来说,这远远超出了它们的传统角色。 yeeyan

Among these capabilities are the patterns we have outlined above that assist in positioning the architecture to enter into the realm of the service ecosystem.
这些功能之一就是我们上面概述的模式,它们帮助使体系结构进入到服务生态系统的领域中。 ibm

An accidental victim of this technological revolution, the report says, was the ecosystem that helped bring small firms to market and then nourished them once there.
报道认为,这种技术革新的意外牺牲品是一种能够帮助小企业进入市场,然后在市场中培育它们的生态系统。 ecocn

Context and problems: You are in an ecosystem with service consumers that rely on you for services.
环境和问题:您与依赖您提供服务的服务使用者处于一个生态系统中。 ibm

Figure2 shows how this growth and agility happen in the enterprise ecosystem.
图2显示了这种增长和敏捷性如何在企业生态系统中发生。 ibm

It appears they had divided up the ecosystem, each species taking advantage of it in its own way.
看来它们已经在生态系统中细化,每个物种都能用自己的方式利用优势。 yeeyan

It turns out that they were here and they played a more important role in the ecosystem than we realised.
原来它们是在这里,它们在生态系统中所发挥的作用比我们意识到的更为巨大。 yeeyan

It's like biology: In an ecosystem where microbes are promiscuously swapping genes and traits, evolution speeds up.
就像生物学:一个一群微生物混杂地交换基因和特性的生态系统,进化加速了。 yeeyan

One of the most serious critiques of today's media ecosystem is how it enables people to seek out only what they believe, and to stick with that.
关于今天媒体生态系统最严肃的评论之一是:媒体怎样只让人们找出他们信任的信息,并且坚持它。 yeeyan

The people of the Amazon have shown they are up for the fight to save our ecosystem.
亚马逊的人民已经表明了他们奋起反抗以拯救我们的生态系统。 yeeyan

There is another alternative, though: treat livestock as part of the ecosystem.
不过,还有另外的选择:把畜牧业作为生态系统的一部分。 yeeyan

These organizations and countless others like them— small and large, local and international— are part of the media ecosystem.
这些组织和无数类似的组织——或大或小,无论地方的还是国际的——都是媒体生态系统的一部分。 yeeyan

They have to be very careful and very thoughtful about how they can be a part of any ecosystem.
你必须非常小心,而且要非常认真地考虑如何成为某个生态系统的一部分。 fortunechina

This allows the integration of two or more enterprise architectures for collaboration within the ecosystem.
这就允许在生态系统中集成两个或多个企业体系结构进行协作。 ibm

This is the notion of the service ecosystem or service value- net.
这是服务生态系统或者服务价值网的概念。 ibm

What about the ecosystem of a city?
一个城市的生态系统是怎样的? yeeyan

What do you think about the surrounding ecosystem?
你怎么看它周围的生态系统呢? infoq

When snorkeling, do not touch the coral or stir up sediment, as these actions can damage the reef's fragile ecosystem.
潜泳的时候,不要碰珊瑚礁或者搅动沉淀物,因为这样做或许会破坏珊瑚脆弱的生态系统。 yeeyan

Without water, we would not be able to grow the food we eat, to sustain ourselves or the ecosystem.
没有水,我们就不能种植我们所吃的食物,不能维持我们的生命或生态系统。 hxen




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