

单词 economize
释义 e·con·o·mize 英ɪˈkɒnəˌmaɪz美ɪˈkɑnəˌmaɪzAHDĭ-kŏnʹə-mīz' ☆☆☆☆☆高IT四八COCA⁴⁷⁰⁹⁸BNC⁵⁶⁶²¹iWeb³⁹⁰²²

use cautiously and frugally;

I try to economize my spare time

conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit

spend sparingly, avoid the waste of;

This move will save money

The less fortunate will have to economize now

词根词缀: -eco-经济 + -nom-学科 + -ize动词词尾蒋争熟词记忆economy节约-ize动词后缀⇒节约;节省economy节约-ize动词后缀⇒节约;节省近义词 be有cut切put放save救or或者pinch捏use使用trim修剪belt腰带limit限度stint节省aside旁白scrimp节省husband丈夫curtail缩减tighten使紧cut back削减cut down削减conserve蜜饯frugal节俭的skimp舍不得给one's任何人的sparing节约的economise节省straiten使为难#number sign,…rein in严加控制sparingly节俭地retrench减少开支parsimonious极度节省的tighten one's belt束紧腰带pennies名词penny的复数形式…pinch pennies精打细算非常节省…tighten your belt勒紧腰带忍饥受寒…

用作动词This new machine will helpeconomizeon raw materials.这台新机器将有助于节约原材料。
Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford–we must start toeconomize.我们的电费已经高得付不起了——得节省些了。verb.(save money
同义词 conserve,cut down,scrimpmanage,retrench,shepherd,skimp,stintbe frugal,be prudent,be sparing,cut back,cut corners,keep within means,make ends meet,meet a budget,pay one's way,pinch pennies,run tight ship,stretch a dollar,tighten one's belt
反义词 spendsquander,throw away
ekeverb lengthen
pinchverb be stingy
afflict,distress,economize,oppress,pinch pennies,press,scrape,scrimp,skimp,spare,stint
retrenchverb save
conserve,curtail,cut down,economize,reduce,scrimp,trim Fifth, economize your social life.
节约社交开支。 cri

Impose an excise tax on oil to increase incentives to drivers and manufacturers to economize on fuel use and soften growth in demand for oil.
对石油使用征收货物税来激励有车一族和生产者们最优化他们的燃料使用,由此减缓石油需求增长。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept the ice from doing its job.
早期为节省冰的努力,包括用毯子把冰包起来,使得冰不能发挥它的作用。 ebigear

The nature is an organic whole including the human society, we must get along with herharmoniously, so we should learn to economize resources and respect the environment.
大自然是一个包含人类社会在内的有机整体,要与之和谐共生,只有节约资源,尊重环境的态度才是可取的。 cnki

To sum up, we should economize on water so as to maintain the abundance of water, which is an indispensable element of life.
总之,我们在水应该节约以便维护水丰盈,是生活的一个不可缺少的元素。 www.chinglish.ac.cn

To economize on water, land, power, raw materials, grains and other resources.
节水、节地、节能、节材、节粮以及节约其他各种资源。 kekenet

But I thought the graduation speeches were long. I will economize on words.
不过我觉得毕业演讲都太过冗长,这次我会言简意赅。 hjenglish

In order to economize, we have to cut down the non- productive expenditure of our factory to a minimum.
为厉行节约,我们把工厂里非生产性的开支削减到最低限度。 iciba

In a recession, the individual learns that there are countless ways to economize.
在衰退期,个人学会了不计其数的省钱的办法。 yeeyan

Innovative wood technologies were used for the building structure to economize on the use of natural resources.
将木材用于建筑结构的技术创新表现,从而节约自然资源的使用。 hjenglish

It's time you tried to economize.
是你该节省开支的时候了。 jukuu

Raise the production efficiency, economize the production cost.
提高生产效率,节约生产成本。 iciba

So Mrs. Jones now rinses them all by hand after the wash cycle, trying to economize on water so that her rinsing can match the dishwasher’s efficiency.
所以琼斯女士现在都是用手来冲洗洗过的碗碟,以此来节约用水。这样手洗就能赶上上洗碗机的效率了。 yeeyan

That would cause some firms to look for ways to economize on their use of network administrators.
这将导致一些企业寻求方法,来削减他们对网管的使用。 yeeyan

To economize, shoppers are going for less expensive food.
为了节约,购物者都去买较便宜的食品。 yeeyan

Water has always been suppliedfor free in public places, so students have not been trained to economize their consumption.
在公共场合,水一直是免费提供的,所以,学会们还没有学会去节约他们的消耗。 ebigear

We can describe the situation by saying, “ Bill Gates needs to economize on his resources, because they are finite.”
我们同样可以说:“比尔•盖茨需要节约,因为资源是有限的。” yeeyan

We must economize on fuel.

With teenagers, it's also useful to discuss what's happening with the national and local economies, how to economize at home, and alternatives to spending money.
和孩子们讨论国际和当地经济的新闻、如何在家实现经济化、以及其他存钱的方式也都很有帮助。 yeeyan

Economize on energy and resources to develop a cyclic economy.
节约各类能源和资源,努力发展循环经济。 ebigear




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