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alarm·ism 英ə'lɑ:mizəm美ə'lɑ:mizəm 高COCA¹¹⁹⁰⁵³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁵¹⁴⁴²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本英英记法例句例句 危言耸听¹⁰⁰
Noun: needless warningsalarm-ism学|术|症|法⇒危言耸听 名词100% Some scientists claim that sceptics about global warming get frozen out of the process.Some accuse it ofalarmism.有些科学家声称对于全球变暖的怀疑已经烟消云散,而有些科学家则指责气候委员会是危言耸听。 At the time that seemed self- serving alarmism. 那时,那似乎是自我警示。 yeeyan With the world's population expected to grow from 6.8 billion today to9.1 billion by 2050, a certain Malthusian alarmism has set in: how will all these extra mouths be fed? 到2050年,全世界的人口将由现在的68亿涨到91亿,骇人听闻的马尔萨斯主义开始盛行:该如何为这些额外的人口提供食物? yeeyan Challenging everything from climate- change alarmism to the idea that too much affluence is bad for the soul, the book makes the case for growth, progress, and faith in humanity. 这本书挑战一切:从气候变化的紧迫感,到过多财富不利于精神健康的说法。这本书提倡发展、进步、以及对人性的信仰。 yeeyan In the upper reaches of Wall Street, talk of another financial crisis is dismissed as alarmism. 在华尔街的高端富人阶层,谈乱的金融危机的另一个原因是预警缺失。 yeeyan Kremlin officials dismiss talk of dead ends as pointless whining and alarmism from liberals. 克林姆林宫官员否认国家进入死胡同,并斥自由派无病呻吟、危言耸听。 yeeyan Or maybe I'm just contributing to the blaring non-issue alarmism here. 或许我现在也在制造一些无中生有的噪音罢了。 yeeyan Some scientists claim that sceptics about global warming get frozen out of the process. Some accuse it of alarmism. 有些科学家声称对于全球变暖的怀疑已经烟消云散,而有些科学家则指责气候委员会是危言耸听。 ecocn Such alarmism may be misplaced. 这种危言耸听也许放错地方了。 ecocn The alarmism is familiar. 这种危言耸听的话人们很熟悉了。 yeeyan These are groups of viruses between them fuelled much of the alarmism of the'diseases are coming' publishing boom of the mid-1990s. 这些病毒群的出现夹杂以“病患来临”的风声鹤唳之说,在90年代中期确曾盛行一时。 xici This is absolutely not alarmism. In fact, we believe that it is really a cruel reality. 这可不是危言耸听,事实就是这么残酷。 blog.sina.com.cn |