

单词 ecologies
释义 e·col·o·gy 英i'kɒlədʒi美i'kɑːlədʒi COCA⁷⁰⁸³³BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺

the study or the connection between living things and everything around them

the environment as it relates to living organisms;

it changed the ecology of the island

the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment直接源自希腊语的oikos,意为生态学zoo-ecology动物生态学deep ecology深生态学biochemical ecology生化生态学radiation ecology放射生态学production ecology生产生态学system ecology系统生态学tropical ecology热带生态学terrestrial ecology陆地生态学temperate ecology温带生态学biogeochemical ecology生物地球化学生态学…medical ecology医用生态学planetary ecology行星生态学chemical ecology化学生态学soil ecology土壤生态学abyssopelagic ecology深海生态学forest ecology森林生态学marine ecology海洋生态学urban ecology城市生态学environmental ecology环境生态学population ecology种群生态学
近义词 nature自然界bionomics生态学environmental science环境学
用作名词n.To keep ecology in balance is our duty.保持生态平衡是我们的职责。
She studies ecology in the university.她在大学学习生态学。
用作名词Ecology helps us understand complex problems.生态学帮助我们把握复杂问题。
He started to studyecologyand decided to devote his whole life to the science.他开始研究生态学,并决心将他的一生献身于这门学科。
Fossils allow us to reconstruct ancientecology.化石可以让我们知道古时的生态环境。
Concern aboutecologyis a recent development.对生态的关心是最近才有的事。
Whole chains of theecologywere being destroyed.整个生态系统链正在遭到破坏。 Rather, May's simulated ecologies suggested that neither simplicity nor complexity had as much impact on stability as the pattern of the species interaction.
相反,迈的模拟生态学提出,就像物种互相作用的形式不会影响稳定性一样,简单和复杂对稳定性也都没有太大的影响。 yeeyan

Researchers at the University of Essex are seeking a few volunteers to study such systems, as part of a European Union program called “ Adaptive and Trusted Ambient Ecologies, ” or ATRACO.
研究这些系统的是欧盟“适应性信任型环境” ATRACO项目的一部分。埃塞克斯大学的研究人员们正在招募一些志愿者协助完成。 yeeyan

The paper discuss the ecological transition of county industry, the ecologies leading- industry selection, level of industry cluster based on the concept of cycle economy.
文中探讨了在循环经济理念下县域产业的生态转型、生态化主导产业选择、产业集群的层次性。 cnki




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